Full Moon and Scars

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Sirius's POV~

It's a week to the dance and i'm so excited and nervous to go to the dance with Paisley but tonight I have other things to focus on, like the full moon tonight, I can tell Remus is getting more and more nervous that Paisley will find out and hate him the closer they get, and i'm sad to say that i'm scared that she will find out and want to help and end up getting hurt. I really do care about her and I really am scared to tell James how I feel about her. 

Focus Sirius. Full moon is tomorrow night. Get Paisley out of your head. I shake my head and go back to the potion we are making. Metamorhin.( A/N~ made up potion that gives you temporary metamorphigus (spelling?) powers)

The full moon~

Paisley's POV~

Tonight is the one night a month where the guys sneak out all night and don't show up until breakfast the next morning. Only tonight is the night i'm going to follow them. I stole James invisibilty cloak and sat in one of the chairs in the common room and waited. After the last person went to bed, besides me of course,  the guys come down and leave the common room, and I follow them. They turn many corridors and go outside until they reach the Womping Willow. Peter turns into a rat and touches a not in the base of the tree to make it stop moving and the others go into what appears to be a tunnel in the tree, I follow them down into the tunnel and after a few minutes we arrive at the shreaking shack and I follow the guys into a bedroom upstairs when I decide to take the cloak off. Once I do James, Remus, and Sirius look at me with fear in there eyes. Remus is the first person to speak up.

"Paisley you have to go, you have to go right now!" Remus tries to usher me out when he starts to scream in what appears to be pain and even more fear fills Sirius and James eyes when they look from him to me.

"What is going on?!" I yell at James and Sirius but it's to late. Where Remus was standing a big werewolf stands tall over me and he looks angry. James and Sirius change into a big black dog and a stag and start to fight the wolf Remus and I try to back away towards the door but wolf Remus sees me and drags a clawed paw across my face and I scream in pain and fall to the ground. Right before I black out I see the black dog change into Sirius and he casts a spell on the werewolf that knocks him out and starting to run towards me when I black out.

Three days later~

Sirius's POV~

It's been three days and Pais still hasn't woken up. Dumbledor and madam Pomphary are starting to think they might have to send her to St. Mungos. Luckly though the cuts weren't deep enough to turn her into a werewolf, but Remus still is blaming  himself for what happened to Paisley and James and I are still trying to convince him it wasn't his fault but it hasn't helped much. James and I haven't left her side and i'm sure he is getting curious as to why I have been with Paisley instead of trying to get a new girl, but I won't tell him anything until he asks. James went to go get us some food and I'm still next to Paisley holding her hand when her eyes slowly open and her fingers twitch. I perk up a bit as she opens her eyes. 

"Sirius. What hap-" She begins to say but I stop her by kissing her and fireworks go off in my stomach.  When she doesn't kiss back right away I get scared that this isn't what she wants us to be but she starts to kiss back and I smile. After a few minutes she breaks away.

"I was so scared you have no idea." I tell her.

"What happened?" She asks.

"Remus is a werewolf and you followed us and once he turned he scratched your face." I tell her and when I get to the scratch part I could practically see her heart drop.

"Sirius, hand me a mirror." She states simply and I hand her one. She looks at her face and tears well up in her eyes. "I'm ugly." She says and I pull her into a hug and tell her what I really feel.

"Not to me. To me your still the most beautiful girl i've ever seen and I wanted  to ask you  a very important question. I don't know if now is the right time or not but... Would you..."  

A/N~ I think this is the best chapter yet. Wonder what Sirius is going to ask Paisley in the next chapter... ;)

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