A Dance and Romance

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Paisley's POV~

The day's have gone by day by day and prank after prank after prank and according to Lily, Sirius and I have only grown closer. Rubbish if you ask me. Anyway, it's after classes for the day and James, Sirius, Remus, Peter and I are sitting under our tree by the Black Lake when James suddenly perked up and we all knew what, or better yet who, that meant, Lily. I love Lily, she is my best friend who isn't a guy, but James is way to taken with her for my liking. 

"Oh hello my Lily flower! How would you like to go out with me?" James ask's with a big smirk on his face and roll my eyes as I already know the answer very well. Sirius puts his head in my lap.

"One gallon she gives in out of annoyance." He states.

"Oh your on Black." I smirk at him as I accept and Remus gives us a disproving look. 

"Are you crazy Potter?! Why would I ever dream of going out with you?" Lily practically yells in his face and Sirius places a gallon in my waiting hand and I kiss his forehead in thanks. 

"Maybe because I love you and want for you to be mine." He tries to convince her and I try to hide my laughs but fail miserably and James sends me a death glare. 

"Come on Sirius let's go to dinner." I say and stand up. I start walking and look back to see him following me. 

After dinner  Dumbledore stands to make an announcement and we all quiet down to listen to what he has to say.

"This year we will be having a Halloween dance on Halloween eve. Third year and above only but you can bring a younger student if you wish. Please dress formally this will not be a costume party. Now off to bed." Dumbledore says and we go off to bed. But in the Gryffindor common room Sirius pulls me to the side. He looks nervous as he pulls a hand through his hair.

"Umm, Paisley, I was wondering, if maybe, you would want to go to the dance with me?" He asks with a hopeful look in his eyes. My heart begins to beat faster and blush goes up into my cheeks.

"I would be honored to go to the dance with you Sirius." I say and the biggest smile i've ever seen spreads across his face as he hugs me and kisses my forehead. We sit down in the common room for another hour or two before we go to bed and I still lay awake in bed thinking about the dance. I fall asleep smiling.

A/N~ Sorry it's short, but I hope it's good. And i've decided the story would be better if Paisley was in then same year as James but still ten months younger. Hope you liked this chapter

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