Fifteen years later

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Paisley's POV~

"Sirius you don't have to go. Stay with me and Preston. I am just as upset as you."

I try to plead with my husband as I carry our sleeping baby boy to his crib. Preston sleeps soundly as I lay him down and turn to Sirius. We just got the news of what happened to James and Lily. 

"You don't understand Paisley. James was my best friend and Peter betrayed him!" 

My anger is now building.

"Yes and James was my brother! My twin! How do you think I feel knowing that my twin, my other half, is dead! Along with my best friend! How do you think I feel Sirius?!" 

I yell and him with tears streaming down my face. How could Peter do this? I never liked him and James knew that and when I heard that him and lily were making Peter their secret keeper I begged them not to do it but they didn't listen to me. 

"I'm sorry but I must go. Either come or stay."

I look from my husband to my sleeping son. If something happens then I would be leaving my son with out anyone. I walk towards Preston.

"I love you Sirius but I have to stay with Preston. If something is to happen he will have nobody and I can't let that happen."

Sirius nods and kisses my head and then leaves. More tears fall down my face.

Two hours later, third person POV~

Paisley sat in her kitchen waiting for news when a loud crack filled the room. Paisley looked up to see Dumbledor standing in her kitchen holding a small blanket. Paisley quickly stands up.

"Dumbledor. Where is Sirius? Who is this?"

Dumbledor gives Paisley a grim smile.

"Sirius is in Azkaban  Mrs. Black. He killed Peter and many other muggles. He is there for life." 

Tears fill Paisley's eyes when she heard this news. 

"And this young one, is Lily and James younger child, Paige Amaralee Potter. The younger sister of Harry James Potter. Twin sister."

Paisley gasps and looks at the young girl. She looks like James only with Lily's eyes and her hair is blonde, like her own. 

"I thought there was only Harry."

Paisley looked up at Dumbledor in confusion.

"They hid her. The reason why they hid her is unknown to us. But Harry will be staying with Lily's sister and her husband and Paige is to stay with you. If, of course, you will take her in." 

Paisley nods at Dumbledor and takes the baby from his arms, then he disappears with a crack. Paisley looks down at the baby girl, who is sleeping in her arms. The baby girl who will grow up without her parents or her brother. Her heart melts for the baby and she knows she would do anything for the baby.

"Don't worry, you will always have me and Preston. And someday you will meet Harry. I promise you. I will do anything for you, I love you Paige Amaralee Potter."


James Potters Little Sister (A Sirius Black Love Story) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now