Starting the fixing

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Sirius POV~

It's been two day's and Paisley hasn't come out of her room yet. I can't believe I hurt her like that. That Ravinclaw girl kissed me and I pushed her away just when Paisley was walking out and saw. I followed her to the common room.


I follow Paisley back to the common room only for her to run up to her dorm. I sigh and flop down onto the couch and find the one and only James Potter sitting there. He gives me a glare as we hear a sob come from the girls dorms. 

"What did you do to my sister?" He asks in a sickly calm voice I know he is about to go off. 

"Well you see, she came on me, a Ravinclaw girl, kissed me. I pushed her away but it was too late. Paisley saw and before I could tell her the full story she ran off." I say and he jumps on me. I put my hands over my head and he keeps punching me. The common room door opens and someones arms go around James is lifted off of me, leaving me with a black eye. 

Flashback over

I'm sitting on the couch in the common room when Lily walks into the common room, I jump up and walk over to her. 

"Lily I know we aren't the best of friends, or even really friends for that matter. But I really need you to go into the dorms and get Paisley to come down here and go to her classes. I'm really worried about her." I say, pleading with her. 

"I don't like you but Paisley is my best friend so I will." I nod and thank her and she goes up to talk to Pais and I just slump off to potions class.

A/N~ Sorry this is another short chapter. The next one will be longer :)

James Potters Little Sister (A Sirius Black Love Story) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now