First day of sixth year

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Paisley's POV~

I wake up and jump out of Sirius's arms. Today is the day i'm going back to Hogwarts. Professor Slughorn is going to apperate to the house to pick me up as soon as mum and dad take the boys to the express and then once i'm at Hogwarts i'll chill with Peeves until the first years are sorted then fly in on my broomstick. That sounds like a good plan if you were to ask me. I shake Sirius awake and then go off to the bathroom to get ready. 

I put my hair up in a ponytale and then walk back into my bedroom to find Sirius still sleeping and they have to leave in fifteen minutes

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I put my hair up in a ponytale and then walk back into my bedroom to find Sirius still sleeping and they have to leave in fifteen minutes. 

"Sirius get up. Hogwarts in fifteen." He rolls over to look at me.

"It won't be the same not seeing you everyday. Why do I have to go?"

"So you get a education and eventually a good job. Your going weather you like it or not." I say with a sharp voice and he jumps up right away and rushes to the bathroom to get ready. I laugh and walk into James room. He is still sleeping so I run onto the bed and jump on him.

"Wake up James!" He groans and rolls over making me roll off the bed and land with a big 'omphf' (A/N~ I'm so good and typing out sounds right? lol) 

"What do you want Paisley. It's to early." He pulls his pillow over his head.

"Hogwarts in fifteen minutes. Get up." I snap at him and as soon as I said fifteen minutes he jumped out of bed and ran towards the bathroom to get ready and I laugh at him and well Sirius is in the bathroom showering I decide to pack my clothes for school. As I'm packing my photos up I find one of me and the guys from the Bulgarian quitich team. We had just won a huge game against Frances team and we were all smiling big with out brooms over our shoulders and we were joking around and pushing each other as we walked out of the locker room. The next photo I see is of me and Miles sitting under a tree at school and my head is on Miles lap and we are both reading. I'm really going to miss Miles and the guys when I'm at Hogwarts. I sigh and hear the shower stop and throw my trunk under my bed and pick up a book. Sirius comes out with a grey tee shirt and ripped jeans on and his wet bangs are in his face. He leans over my book and lightly kisses my lips and when he pulls away I sigh and he looks at me.

"I'm going to miss you so much. Owl me every day and if you don't I will assume the worst." He looks me dead in the eye and I nod. He kisses me again and the feeling of his lips against mine is one of the best feelings in the world, then mum just had to yell for the boys so they could leave. Sirius kisses me one more time and this time I melt into the kiss and when he leaves the room I send I write a quick letter to Dumbledor.

Dear Dumbledor,

They just left and i'm almost done packing, come and get me whenever.

                                                                                                                                                   Paisley Grace Potter.

I send the letter and thirty minutes later i'm done packing and the doorbell rings. I drag my luggage downstairs and as I walk out the door. Dumbledor is standing there with his usual smile on his face.

"Why hello miss Potter, we are very pleased that you have decided to join us. Well grab my arm and we will go there is so much to do with so little time." I nod and grab his arm and we apperate to Hogwarts. When we get there we go strait to his office and he gets the sorting hat off of a shelf.

"Since you've been away you might have changed so we are going to resort you." I nod and he places the hat on my head.

"Ahh the Potter girl. I've sorted you before and I sense you have changed since you have been gone. Hmm, still just as strong willed and still love pranks as much as you did when I first sorted you. But you've also gotten more of a short temper while you've been gone. Gryffindor already has your brother, James is it? I have to say.... Slyth, Gryffindor!" The hat shouts even though it's only me and Dumbledor in the room.

"Well then, you may go get ready for dinner. I assume you still know the way to the common room." He says and I nod and walk off. 

Three hours later~

Paisley's POV~

Just five more minutes until I go out there. I'm pacing back and forth in front of the doors to the great hall with my broom over my shoulder and then I hear Dumbledor announce a very special student who will be staying at the school this year. I take a deep breath and hop on my broomstick and use my wand to open the doors. I fly in and everyone who knows who I am starts to cheer. I smile and land by Dumbledor. 

"Please allow me to introduce to you all, once again, miss Paisley Grace Potter. Now I know she is quite famous but I ask of all of you to treat her like any other student." Dumbledor says and motions for me to go over to the gryffindor table and I run over and jump into Sirius's open arms. Even though I saw him like four hours ago I missed him. I put my head into his shoulder and smell his usual smell of pine, the smell that always comforted me over the summer. 

After dinner we all go up to the common room and hangout until I fall asleep on Sirius's chest, listening to the sound of his heart beat.

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