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Four years later, Paisley's POV~

James and I wave to our mum as the train is taking off and once we can't see her anymore we go to find Sirius and Remus. We find them in our normal compartment and I jump onto Sirius's lap and the other's laugh at me.

"Hello little Prongs. Miss me did you?" Sirius says while smirking at me. I give him a look as if saying you wish and we both start to laugh.

"Did you miss me Padfoot?" I asked him and looked into his beautiful grey eyes. Ok so I might have a tiny crush on Sirius, but he is the school player and is dating a new girl almost twice a week. He would never go for me, his best friends baby sister.

Sirius's POV~

"Did you miss me Padfoot?" Paisley asks me while looking up at me with her big brown eyes and my heart beats a little faster. I love those eyes. NO stop Sirius, this is James little sister your thinking about. Think about what James would do to you if he found out how you felt about her. I smile at Pais.

"I missed you, Paisley." I tell her and hug her closer. She smiles and cuddles up to me and I smile. James notices the two of us and gives me a small warning glare and I go to set Paisley down on the seat next to me but she fell alseep on my lap and I smile again, I find myself doing that alot when i'm around her. I want to ask her out so bad but I can't because i'm scared of what James would think, so instead of being with the girl I really love I go out with a bunch of different girls to see if I have the same connection with them as I do with Paisley. It hasn't happened and only made James believe I would play his sister and break her heart,which I wouldn't dream of doing and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I did.

Before I know it we are at Hogwarts and it's time to wake Paisley up, even though I don't want to. She is so cute when she is sleeping but I still gently shake her awake.

"Hey Pais, we're at Hogwarts." I tell her and help her up. She stretches and jumps on my back and I get our trunks and we meet James, Remus, and Peter on the platform and go up to the castle. Once we get to the castle and sit down at the Gryffindoor table Paisley and Remus start to talk and she laughs at something he says and I get this feeling in my stomach until she lays her head on my shoulder and I smile.

Paisley's POV~

I'm laughing at something Remus told me when I notice Sirius looking upset so I lay my head on his shoulder and he smiles his smile that melts my heart. I think I might love him.

A/N~I hope this is better than the first chapter and sorry if there isn''t enough details. I'll keep trying to make each chapter better than the last

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