finding out

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James POV~

After I ran away from Paisley I made my way to the great hall for dinner, once I walked in I spotted Lily right away and I made my way towards her and sat next to her. She gave me  a look and I just smirked.

"Evens, would you do me the great honor of going to the dance with me?" I ask her hoping she will say yes.

"In your dreams Potter." She says.

"Yes every night." I tell her and her reaction makes me smirk until someone sits down next to me. Remus.

"Mate I hate to tell you this but your sister scares me." Remus tells me and I laugh.

"I know my dear Moony." I say and we laugh for a couple of good minutes until Sirius and Paisley walk in laughing about something while holding hands. HOLDING HANDS! That's my baby sister holding hands with the school player. Even if he is my best friend I don't want to see her hurt. As they make there way towards us girls glare at Paisley and laugh at her scars and guys still look her up and down, even with her scars and the fact that she is holding Sirius's hand. 

Paisley is, according to the guys, the hottest girl in school. All the guys want to date her and she doesn't really have any girlfriends besides Lily because they all want the guys attention on them. But I can understand where the girls are coming from I guess. The guys too. She is extremely pretty, Our mothers long blonde hair, our fathers pale blue eyes, and she isn't tiny but she isn't big either. She is exactly what most guys want in a girl. We hardly look alike besides our facial features. (Pic of Paisley below)

Sirius and Paisley sir down across from me and Remus and I glare at them

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Sirius and Paisley sir down across from me and Remus and I glare at them.

"Something you two have been meaning to tell me?"

Paisley's POV~

I happily walked hand and hand with Sirius over to James and Remus, forgetting that neither of them actually knew we were dating. We sit down and James glares at us. Oh yeah we didn't tell them.

"Something you two have been meaning to tell me?"

 "Whats got your wand up your arse, James" I say and Sirius and Remus start to laugh.

"Why would you and Sirius be holding hands?" James almost yells at me.

"Because we are dating James. Why else? Did you ever wonder why Sirius never left my side in the hospital wing? Or why he was so scared when I got scratched? Did you ever ask yourself any of that James?" I ask and don't wait for a answer before I walk out.

James Potters Little Sister (A Sirius Black Love Story) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now