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Sirius's POV~

The summer has gone by so fast, and what makes it even better is that Paisley said yes to being my girlfriend. The bad thing is that in two days I go back to Hogwarts and Pais goes back to Durmstrang. Since Pais and I started dating again I've been staying in her room and now in two days we won't even be in the same country. Ugg I'm gonna miss her so much.

Paisley's POV~

I'm going to surprise Sirius in two days and go to Hogwarts. I'm dropping the Bulgarian quitich team and everything so I can be with Sirius. I haven't told anyone except for my parents, I want to surprise everyone when I get off the train. We set it up with Dumbledor so I will use pollyjuice potion to look like a sixth year muggle born transfer for the train ride and then once we are in the great hall Dumbledor will reverse the potion and I'll let my school see me again. Anyway, I shower and get dressed and grab my car keys and leave to meet Lily at whatever cafe she has picked out this time. (Paisley's outfit below)

After I pull into the small London cafe I walk in and see Lily sitting at one of the booths

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After I pull into the small London cafe I walk in and see Lily sitting at one of the booths. I smile at her and pull her into a hug. (Lily's outfit below)

"Oh my god hows your summer been? I've missed you so much!" Lily practically yells in my ear and I laugh

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"Oh my god hows your summer been? I've missed you so much!" Lily practically yells in my ear and I laugh.

"It's been good. Sirius and I are back together." I tell her and she squeals!

"That's great! You two really do look amazing together. So does this mean your coming back to school?" She asks. Should I tell her? I mean she is my best friend besides Miles.

"Thanks and, don't tell James but yes I'm coming back to school." She squeals and hugs me again. I really did miss this.

"Oh we can be roommates again and share clothes and everything! She says happily and I laugh. We talk at the cafe for a few minutes and then go to the mall and out to eat for lunch. Just as we finish eating Sirius calls me. Crap I forgot to tell him where I was going.


"Oh thank god your ok. I woke up five minutes ago and couldn't find you. Where are you?" He all but yells into the phone.

"Well it's good to know you care. I'm out with Lily. I have been since eight this morning. You really slept in this late? It's twelve thirty." I ask.

"Well I might have stayed up super late and stared at you well you slept. Not in a bad way though, your just so cute when you sleep." Lily awws having heard the whole conversation. I sigh and roll my eyes at her.

"Well I'm fine and out with Lily. I'll call you later."

"Ok see you later then." I hang up and turn to Lily who is next to me laughing and I just join her.

James Potters Little Sister (A Sirius Black Love Story) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now