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Two years later~

Paisley's POV~

It's finally the day. I look at myself in the mirror with Lily at my side. She wraps her arms around me and we hug for a moment and then tears start to fill are eyes.

"I can't believe we are done with school. Finally." 

I nod and slip on my high heals.

                                                      (Paisley in the blue and Lily in the black)

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                                                      (Paisley in the blue and Lily in the black)

We walk down the stairs into the common room where the guys are waiting and when we see them we smile and their jaws drop. Lily and I giggle.

"Close your mouths, you'll catch flies."

I tell them with a smirk and they close their mouths and take our hands and lead us to the black lake where graduation is. As we are walking down the grand staircase Sirius takes my hand in his and I smile.

"I can't believe we are graduating. I'm going to miss this place, I mean it's been our second home for years." 

Sirius nods and kisses my hand. 

"Yes but after today we will have our own home, maybe down the road from Lily and James. Our children could be best friends."

"I love the sound of that Sirius but first we have to get through today first." 

He laughs as we find our seats and Dumbledor stands above us all on a podium wearing a purple and gold robe. 

(A/N~ So I don't feel like coming up with a whole graduation speech so yeah...)

"Congratulations to this class of Hogwarts graduates, you will all be greatly missed."

We all throw are caps up into the air and Sirius pulls me into a kiss. It's gentle and sweet and yet still full of passion.

"I love you."

"I love you two."

James Potters Little Sister (A Sirius Black Love Story) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now