Last Day of Summer

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Paisley's POV~

Tomorrow we are going back go Hogwarts. James, Sirius, and Remus don't know i'm coming with them yet though. Mum and dad went to take the boys to get their school supplies and mum said she would get mine also so i'm in the kitchen eating pizza and thinking about what to do today since I have the house to myself. I guess I could go see Miles or something. He said he was staying with a friend for a few days and then he was going to stay with his cousin for the last month of break. Once I decide to go see Miles I run upstairs and get dressed and call him to make sure he is home. The phone rings twice and then he picks up.

"Paisley Grace Potter! You haven't called me in forever! I was starting to think you were dead! Explain yourself!" I laugh.

"Sorry Miles. Hey I miss you. How about I pick you up and we go have some fun and I'll fill you in?" I ask.

"Fine. But your buying coffee." He says.

"Then I get to wear your vintage white scarf." I fire back and he agrees.

"Pick me up in a hour." He says and hangs up, I walk upstairs to get ready.

I throw on some simple makeup and put my hair into a messy bun, grab my keys and leave to pick up Miles

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I throw on some simple makeup and put my hair into a messy bun, grab my keys and leave to pick up Miles. I look out the window as I drive and see how much the place where I've grown up has changed since I left. There are more buildings, less trees and ponds, and more cars and people. I mean I know we are right outside of London but I still didn't expect it to change this much since I've been gone. After a few minutes I pull into the driveway and honk the horn for Miles. He comes out of the house and he looks totally different. 

"Hey Miles, what happened to you? I thought I was supposed to be the bad influence

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"Hey Miles, what happened to you? I thought I was supposed to be the bad influence. Who replaced me? I'm hurt Miles." I say with my left hand over my heart while driving with the left. He chuckles and smiles at me.

"Hey it's the end of another summer and I'm a young wizard who is going back to school tomorrow for my last year. I decided to get a new look to support my last year. Do you like?" 

"Oh I love. Very you Miles. Maybe I should do something like that since I won't be going back."

"Wait your not going back? It's my last year and i'll have to do it with out my best friend!" I laugh at his over reaction.

"Yes I've decided it's time for me to go off to Hogwarts." He nods and we continue driving.

"You know we could get your nose pierced. Just a little something can go a long way." Miles points and I think about it. It would give me personality in a place with uniforms. I cringe at the idea of wearing a uniform. I could be different. 

"Ok but you need to get your lip done." 

"Deal." I smirk and drive off to the mall. We go into a body shop and Miles gets his lip done first and then I get my nose done. The pain doesn't last long since it's just a little diamond stud.

 The pain doesn't last long since it's just a little diamond stud

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I drop Miles off at his cousins and drive home. When I get there mum, dad, and the boys are home, James is the first person I run into when I get home and before I can tell him not to say anything he just has to shout out,

"Mum! Dad! Paisley got her nose pierced." My mother screeches and I jump onto James and start to pull at his hair.

"Why would you tell them? Huh? Why James!" I yell and continue to pull his hair.

"Not the hair! Not the hair! Sirius get your little monster off of me!" James shouts and I just pull harder on his hair and when Sirius steps forward I don't even look at him.

"Sirius Orion Black. Take one more step and your next." I say in a deadly calm voice that makes him step back and turn to James.

"Sorry mate, can't help you here. My hair is way to beautiful for that kind of treatment." I continue taking my anger out on James hair until I decide that his hair has had enough and walk into the kitchen to deal with mums wrath. Right once I walk in mum takes my face in her hand and starts to lecture me on getting my nose pierced. My parents are very old school so I don't really know how I expected them to react. I'm going back to school tomorrow anyway so it shouldn't really matter. After about a hour of mum yelling at me she finally stops so me and Sirius can go out on a date before school tomorrow. 

Sirius takes me out to the beach and we have icecream while walking on the beach. After just walking and talking for a hour or so we go home and go to bed. As I fall asleep I realize just how good the summer has been. I spend the last night of the summer smiling in Sirius arms as I sleep.

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