together again

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Paisley's POV~

I wake up with my head on Sirius's chest and smile. I really did miss him while i've been gone at Durmstrang. He looks so peaceful while he is sleeping and my smile only grows. I get up and start to get ready for the day. (outfit below)

Just as I put my hair in a messy bun Sirius begins to wake up and I go over to him and mess with his already messy hair

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Just as I put my hair in a messy bun Sirius begins to wake up and I go over to him and mess with his already messy hair. He opens his eyes and pulls me into his arms kissing my head. I laugh and push away from him. I realize that I would love to wake up like this everyday and make a last minute decision. 

"Get ready to go out. I have a surprise for you."  His eyes light up in curiosity and goes into the bathroom to get ready. Five minutes later he comes out ready to go. (outfit below)

We go downstairs and tell mum we are going out and will be back soon and I grab my keys and we leave

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We go downstairs and tell mum we are going out and will be back soon and I grab my keys and we leave. 

"So how has Hogwarts been the past couple years?" I ask him.

"It really isn't the same without you. James hardly ever pranks anymore and I think Lily likes him better this way because she said yes." He says and my mouth drops open in shock.

"Lils said yes?!" I almost yell at him.

"James didn't tell you?" He asks with a sad expression on his face and I shake my head and tears fill my eyes. We sit in silence for a few minutes. I can't believe my twin brother didn't tell me he was dating one of my best friends. This really does hurt. A single tear slips down my cheek as I pull into a small cafe. I find us a seat and Sirius goes to order us coffee. When he comes back and takes a seat I take a deep breath.

"Umm I wanted to talk to you about something." He nods.

"I wanted to talk to you too. About us." He says and my heart beats faster.

"I know your not really ready to date me yet but I wanted you to know again that I love you. Since the day I met you I've known I loved you and I regret the day I hurt you. If I could go back to that day I would and I would make sure you never got hurt." He says and I lean in and kiss him. Sparks erupt and he deepens the kiss and after a few minutes it turns into full out snogging. After a few minutes I pull away and smile at him. 

"So does this mean you will be my girlfriend?" He asks and I nod. We cuddle on the bench when he asks me a question I really don't want to answer.

"So why did you leave for Durmtrang. I mean it's an all boy school so..." He asks.

"Well umm. It just seemed like a better option for me. I needed to go somewhere where I wouldn't have to feel heartbroken every five minutes and then Durmstrang kinda grew on me." I say and he nods. We leave the cafe and go to the mall and walk around. Sirius pulls me into a jewlery store and leads me towards the rings.

"Sirius what are you looking at rings for?" I ask.

"What one do you like? Pick one out and i'll tell you why." He says. I look at the rings for a while before settling on one.(pic below)

Sirius pays for the ring and puts it on my ring finger on my left hand

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Sirius pays for the ring and puts it on my ring finger on my left hand.

"It's a promise ring. Promising that you will always be mine." I smile and look at the ring and then hug him. I love him so much.

James Potters Little Sister (A Sirius Black Love Story) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now