A New Begining

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Paisley's POV~

I'm still in my bed with the pillow on my head, I've been like this for a while. I lost count a few days ago. I still can't believe Sirius did that to me, I really did think he changed but I guess I was wrong. I promised myself I wouldn't cry over him again and I am going to keep my promise. I hear the door open and Lily walks into the room, she stops by my bed and lift the pillow off my head.

"Paisley Grace Potter, you have been in this bed for two whole days. Time to shower and get dressed and go to classes. Come on!" She takes my hand and drags me out of bed. I sigh and go into the shower, after the shower Lily blow drys my hair and does my makeup and we both pick out my outfit. (Outfit below)

After she gets me dressed we go to the Great Hall for lunch, and once I walk in everyone in the hall looks at me

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After she gets me dressed we go to the Great Hall for lunch, and once I walk in everyone in the hall looks at me. A small blush comes to my cheeks and Lily and I go sit down at the table. When we do James comes over to us.

"Thank you Lily for getting her to come down, In my thanks I will allow you to go out with me." James smirks and I roll my eyes as Lily turns him down once again and the mail arrives. My owl, a white and grey female owl, Salkavina, drops a big envelope into my bowl. I pick up the letter and my eyes widen when I see who it' s from. Durmstrang. What would they want from me? I open the letter with shaky hands and read it,

Dear miss Paisley Grace Potter,

We do realize this is quite late but we would appreciate it if you would consider coming to our school for the rest of the year. If you accept our offer you will have your own dorm, a place on the Bulgarian quiditch team, and all of your school books for the rest of the school year will be free. We hope you will accept and if you do go to Dumbledor's office as soon as possible and he will use magic to pack your belongings and will floo you over here. Please accept as it would be a great honor to have you in our school.

Headmaster Hugo Volfine (made up)

I finish the letter and get up. 

"James can I talk to you outside?" I ask and he nods and follows me outside the great hall. I turn to look at him.

"I'm leaving the school. Durmstrang offered me a spot in their school and I'm going to accept their offer." I say and he just stairs at me for a minute or two before walking back into the great hall. I sigh and start towards Dumbledors  office. When I get there I knock and walk in and Dumbledor looks up at me.

"Ah yes miss Potter. Durmstrang wrote to me and told me of what is going on. So you wish to go there?" He asks me and I nod. He waves his wand and inflames the fireplace.

"There you go miss Potter. Remember, Hogwarts will always be there to those who need it and your always welcome here." He tells me and I nod and walk into the fireplace take some floo powder, and yell where I want to go.

"Durmstrang school of Wizardry!" I shout and close my eyes. When I open them I'm not at Hogwarts anymore. A man is sitting on a desk in the middle of the room. He has almost amber eyes and black hair. He doesn't appear to be that old, late thirties at most. 

"Hello, you must be miss Potter. I'm headmaster Hugo Volfine, but please call me Hugo, the other students do. Now come with me and I will show you to your dorm." He tells me and I nod and he leads me down a hallway and into a room. He opens the door and I look around with wide eyes. (Pic of her room below)

"I hope you like it and if you would like to change anything then go right ahead

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"I hope you like it and if you would like to change anything then go right ahead." With that he leaves and I flop down on the bed. I think i'm going to like this new begining.

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