The Dinner

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Paisley's POV~

I'm getting dressed for dinner when I hear a knock at my door and go answer it. There, leaning against the door frame is Sirius.  His hair is windswept in all the right places and his face is very relaxed. When his grey eyes meet mine my heart beats faster than it ever has. 

"I need to talk to you Paisley. Can I come in?" I nod and he walks in and sits down. He starts to talk and then Miles comes out of the bathroom, he looks up.

"Oh umm sorry. I'll be downstairs." Miles says and walks out. I turn to Sirius.

"Is he your boyfriend?" Sirius says with hurt in his eyes.

"No. He's my best friend. Why do you care anyway. Your the one who cheated on me." I snap and regret fills his eyes.

"Pais, she kissed me. I did not kiss back and i'm so sorry you got hurt. I haven't dated any other girl since you. I love you Paisley." Now he's standing in front of me and tears are running down my face.

"I love you to Sirius but I don't know if I can do a relationship right now. I mean we go to different schools, I have quitich, and signings, and stuff like that." I say.

"I can understand that. I love you though and I will always wait for you." He says and then leaves to get ready for dinner. I sigh and go do my makeup (Pic below)

Then I got dressed and put on my lucky necklace

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Then I got dressed and put on my lucky necklace. (pics below)

 (pics below)

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I slide my heels on and then go down stairs to find everyone waiting for me

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I slide my heels on and then go down stairs to find everyone waiting for me. Once I enter Sirius is the first to notice me and he smiles, I smile back and take his arm which he holds out for me. Maybe getting back together with him wouldn't be such a bad idea. I love him. 

"Ok we are all here. Right? Let's go." Mum says and we all climb into different cars. Mum and dad in theirs, James, Remus, and Sirius in James', and me and Miles in mine. (Pic of her car below)

We drive off listening to 21 Pilots and laughing until we arrive at the restaurant

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We drive off listening to 21 Pilots and laughing until we arrive at the restaurant. I'm guessing my dad chose it because it's the fanciest five star restaurant in London. We meet everyone in the parking lot and when we go in we are shown to the chefs table and I turn to my dad.

"So how did you manage to get this table this time? How much did you have to pay to get your way this time?" Dads face turns red as I snap at him.

"Don't fight you two. I want to have a good family dinner for once." Mum pleads with us and we agree. The waiter comes, takes our drinks, and leaves us in silence again. Dad is glaring at me, i'm glaring at mum for saying we couldn't argue, and mum is glaring at dad for glaring at me, the boys just sit there feeling awkward. After two hours of this dad pays and we leave. Miles and I hop in my car and I drive off full speed. 

"Sorry about that dinner. My mum insists on doing stuff like this..." He just smiles at me.

"How about we go do something fun. Coffee shop?" Miles asks with a smirk. Miles and I have this thing where if we need down time we will go to a coffee shop and just chill. I nod and drive towards my favorite shop in London. It's tiny but quiet with this little reading corner that nobody really likes besides me. (Pic below of Paisley and Miles in the corner)

Once we get to the cafe we hang out there until it closes and then I drop Miles off at his other friends house for a few day's and then I go home

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Once we get to the cafe we hang out there until it closes and then I drop Miles off at his other friends house for a few day's and then I go home. Once I walk through the door dad starts yelling at me.

"Where were you? You should have came home right after dinner. You really aren't any daughter of mine!" He yells at me and then slaps me. I run up to my room and fall to my bed crying. I hear a knock at the door and Sirius comes in. He doesn't say anything he just takes me into his arms and that's how I fall asleep, in Sirius' arms.

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