Home and Day Out

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One and a half years later

Paisley's POV~

"No, Miles stop!" I yell at my best friend as I run through the halls dodging younger students as I ran to the ship. I'm going to see James for the first time in almost two years and my best friend is coming with me. Miles catches me and throws me over his shoulder, he is beater for the Bulgarian quiditch team and i'm the seeker, two youngest of all time. We reach the boat and go sit in the corner, and Miles twin brother Matt, joins us. 

"So Matt, how's Ty?" Miles asks his brother with a smirk and Matt starts to blush. I laugh.

"He is good, Miles. Thank you for asking." Matt rolls his eyes.

"Well at least you've found someone." I tell them and set my head in Miles lap and close my eyes. I haven't trusted a guy enough to date them since Sirius and I don't plan on letting anyone in besides Miles and maybe Matt. I end up falling asleep on Miles and wake up when the boat docks somewhere in Bulgaria, I don't really know since last summer Miles and I apperated to his house and this summer it is mine. Miles grabs our trunks and grabs my arm and I apperate us to my house. We arrive in the kitchen and I smile. (For my story I'm making it so you can apperate at thirteen in Bulgaria)

"Mum! Dad! We are home." I yell but I don't get a answer. They must have gone to get James and his friends from the Hogwarts express. I turn to Miles.

"They probably went to get James and his friends from the Hogwarts express. Come on i'll show you to my room and then we can go out or something." He nods and follows me up to my room. I open the door and flop down on my bed. (Pic of room below)

Miles sets his stuff down and I go to my walk in closet to find something to wear

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Miles sets his stuff down and I go to my walk in closet to find something to wear.

"Where do you want to go Miles?" I ask.

"Mall or beach. You decide which." He looks at me.

"Both." We say at the same time. This is why we are best friends, I mean we practicality share a mind. We smirk and grab some clothes. (Their outfits below)

 (Their outfits below)

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Once we get changed I grab my purse and we leave for the mall first

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Once we get changed I grab my purse and we leave for the mall first. Just as I open the door mum, dad, James, Remus, and Sirius are getting out of dads car. 

"Hello family of mine. Missed you all, oh and this is my best friend in the world, Miles Perry." I say they nod and hug me.

"We missed you Paisley." Mum says and turns to Miles.

"And you must be Miles we've heard so much about you!" Mum hugs miles and his face makes me giggle a bit. I turn to my dad. He has never really liked me as much as James for some odd reason. Maybe because I don't look anything like him, or act like him for that matter. He is more business with his suits and manors and stiff posture. He lives by the motto, all work and no play.

"Hey dad." I give him a small smile but he only nods his head at me. James comes up to me next.

"Hey Paisley. How's Durmstrang?" James asks me.

"It's good. Once I get back after break I have to start training and classes and stuff like that." I tell him and he nods. I turn to mum.

"Well we are off. I have my phone if you need me and i'll send you Miles number too." I say and we leave. We walk towards the beach and just laugh and joke and have fun. Once we get there Miles finds a spot to put our stuff and we both change. 

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We hangout at the beach for a while then change again and start towards the mall

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We hangout at the beach for a while then change again and start towards the mall. After shopping for a few hours we go home. Once we walk through the door mom is on us. 

"Go upstairs and get ready we are going out to eat for dinner. The fanciest restaurant in town. Now go get changed." She shoos us up to my room and we start to get ready. 

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