The Escape, The Capture, The Brother

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Dean sighed and sat layed down on the bed. Then he heard his name from a familiar voice; it was Benny. "Hey Benny.." Dean smiled and hopped down, walking over and kissing him softly. "Mm, I missed you. Do you think you can get me out of here?" Benny nodded and that night Dean escaped, going back with his gang to their other secret hideout that was the last stop out of 7 places on Cas' list.

Cas groaned as he got the call the next morning that Dean escaped. He got a small team to search the first two places, the third and fourth, and the last three places. He got into the car with Balthazar as he headed to the fourth place on the list, an old firehouse.

At each place Lucifer thought it would be a good idea to set a trap at each place. At the firehouse there was a rabid dog and the sprinklers went off without the fire alarm. Charlie was able to hook up a TV and they laughed as they watched.

Cas and his partner went running out of the house, eyes wide. "What the hell-"

"They must've known we would be there." The partner interrupted Cas.

Dean and his gang just kept laughing their asses off. The next place on the list was an old abandoned shop on the edge of town. Lucifer came up with the plan to put a shit load of broken glass everywhere in the basement.

Balthazar had taken the back door, Cas pulled out his revolver and narrowed his eyes, pointing his gun at Dean. "Hello Winchester."

Dean smirked. "Novak, you came back for me. I knew you would." He stood up and set his gun down, holding his hands out for handcuffs. He had a plan, to kill Cas.., but the killing was for later. Right now dean was gonna trick Cas to see if he would take him in the jail or not, by pretending to give up.

Cas raised a brow, pulling out his cuffs, not putting his gun away as he walked over behind Dean. "You're not one to give up easily." He narrowed his eyes, grabbing Dean's wrist.

Dean shrugged. "I have ways and plans that you could only dream of Novak.." Dean smiled and turned around, whispering in Cas' ear so Balthazar wouldn't hear. "Maybe if you get your partner out then we could have a little fun together.."

Cas narrowed his eyes as cuffed his hands behind his back. "I don't think so." He hauled Dean out of the chair, calling Balthazar into the room.

Dean leaned to Cas and whispered again. "Oh, I like your idea.., maybe we could let your partner join us too.." Dean winked when Balthazar wasn't looking then turned back forward.

He scoffed and swat his head, leading him into the car. "Stop it Winchester."

"Oh, tell me again Novak. I like it." Dean whispered again to Cas then smirked to himself, letting out a little chuckle.

Cas rolled his eyes and walked to the car with Dean. He started the engine, waiting for his partner to get into his own car before driving off.

Dean sat in the back seat and just smiled to himself. He stayed quiet until Cas went in the holding cell with Dean and nobody else was around. He stayed in his seat and smiled. "Hello Novak."

Cas leaned against the wall, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Hello Winchester, guess I'm standing guard tonight."

Dean bit his lip. "Guess you are.." Dean smirked and stood up, walking over to Cas and wrapping his arms around Cas' neck.

Cas narrowed his eyes and pushed Dean away again, pulling out his cuffs. "If you don't keep your hands to yourself, I'll have to incapacitate you."

Dean backed away and bit his lip, rolling his head before looking back to Cas. "Oh, have I been bad.., I guess you better go ahead and incapacitate me.."

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