A Dream

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They eventually got back to the bunker and when they got back, they held hands as they walked to the bedroom. It was late and Dean let out a small yawn.

Cas smiled, slowly letting go. "I'm going to take a quick shower, be right back babe." He pecked his lips, walking into the bathroom.

Dean smiled and kissed back. He thought about getting in with Cas but sighed and decided not to as he realized just how tired he was. Dean got all his clothes off, including boxers, because he was also really hot. He slipped in bed naked and pulled the covers over him with a yawn.

Cas came back outside a few minutes later, a towel wrapped around his waist and his hair stuck to his head. Dean yawned again and soon dozed into a very light sleep before Cas came back in the room.

Cas smiled softly and slipped on a pair of boxers, crawling into bed with Dean. Dean smiled and opened an eye as he felt Cas get in bed. Dean wrapped an arm around Cas' waist and pulled him close.

Cas wrapped an arm him as well, squeaking as he brushed against Dean's bare ass. "Sorry! Are you-"

Dean laughed lightly and looked down then back up. He nodded. "Yeah Cas, I'm naked. I was hot and when I'm hot, this is how I sleep."

"Oh." He smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry about that."

Dean chuckled and stood, putting on a pair of boxers before going back in bed. "Better..?"

"Better." Cas smiled softly and pecked his lips.

Dean chuckled and gave Cas a quick kiss back. "Guess I should've gave you a warning."

"It's alright, I was just taken by surprise. Good thing I didn't reach between your legs.." He smirked slightly.

"Yeah.." Dean smirked and layed a hand on Cas' thigh/inner thigh. Cas blushed lightly and cleared his throat, looking down at Dean's hand. "Problem?" Dean saw his blush and let out a little chuckle but smirked.

"I uh, no.. I'm fine." Cas blushed harder, rubbing the back of his neck.

Dean used his other hand to turn Cas' head to look him in the eyes. "Cas, you know I won't do anything that you're not comfortable with. Just tell me.." Dean smiles softly.

"No it's fine... I'm just a bit flustered." Cas chuckled sheepishly.

Dean rubbed up and down on Cas' thigh once before kissing his neck. "Have you ever been with a boy before Cas..?"

Cas shook his head, blushing brightly. "Just you Dean.." He smiled and tilted his head.

Dean smiled and chuckled softly. "Good, that means I get to teach you everything fun.." He kissed at Cas' neck as he reached in Cas' boxers and palmed him lightly.

Cas moaned softly and closed his eyes, leaning into his touch. "I feel like you'd be a good teacher..."

"Mm, I'd be the best baby.., only for you though.." Dean pushed a bit harder on just the right spot to make Cas moan louder with even more pleasure. "Right there.. How's that feel..?"

"Feels amazing..." He murmured softly and rested his head in the crook of Dean's shoulder.

"It should.. I can teach you everything.." Dean smiles and kisses at his neck. He palmed harder and a tad bit more motion to his hand.

Cas moaned softly, leaning against his touch. "Don't stop..."

"I don't plan too..." Dean smirked and whispered sexually.

He shuddered, goosebumps rising on his skin as he reached down to stroke Dean. Dean moaned softly and kissed Cas' shoulder. "Turn to face me if you're gonna do what I'm doing.."

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