Mistaken, But Real Love

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Cas groaned as he stirred, rubbing his temple , where he got punched against his shoulder. "What..?" His eyes slowly opened, going wide as he looked his surroundings and struggled in his chair.

Dean emerged from the dark and got out of the chair. "Struggling will only make it worse Novak." Dean crossed his arms and looked him in the eye.

Cas glared at him, continuing to tug on the ropes. "I thought you ran off to your team."

Dean chuckled and crossed his arms. "Oh I did, they're at a pub right now not to far from here. Did you meet anyone interesting tonight, perhaps a girl named Maddie?"

"Maddie-" he narrowed his eyes. "She's working with you isn't she?"

"Umm, can't say she is. Maybe yes, maybe no." Dean shrugged and straddled his lap. "The best part is, while they're gone I'm supposed to kill you.." He held out his revolver and pointed it to Cas' head before throwing it down. "..but I don't want to for some reason."

Cas tried to kick Dean off but his feet were tied down to the chair. He let out a sigh of relief once the revolver was down. "Then why am I here then?" He clenched his jaw.

"Because.." Dean sighed and leaned his forehead against Cas'. "I have to have my gang believe that I killed you. When we were driving to my trial I was supposed to kill you then, but I realized that I love you so I couldn't. Then my gang formed a new plan and I made them go out for drinks so I wouldn't have to kill you."

Cas leaned back against the chair. "How and why do you even love me? We barely know each other and I'm trying to arrest you. It doesn't make any sense."

Dean sighed and looked down. "I kissed you because I was trying to get out and escape but then I kissed you again and I-.." Dean looked to his eyes. "I don't know, I just love you.."

Cas shook his head, sighing softly. "Well I suggest you get over it. I'm bad news, Winchester."

Dean chuckled softly. "Novak, if anything I'm bad news and I can't get over it. I tried and tried, but I can't."

Cas frowned and tilted his head. "It's been a few days, try harder."

Dean glared at him. "Can you stop being an ass? I can still pick up that gun and kill you. Yeah, it'll hurt like hell and I'll miss ya but I'll do it."

"I'm being the ass? You kidnapped me!" He glared, leaning against the ropes.

Dean got off of Cas and through his hands up. "Only because it was a plan that my gang came up with! And to be honest you'd already be /dead/ if I didn't love you! You're on borrowed time Novak!"

"Why didn't you just tell them you killed me already?!"

"I couldn't cause I knew you would come looking for me and when they saw that you weren't dead they would've left me!"

"Why kill me in the first place then?! I've never done anything to you!"

"Ahhh!" Dean yelled and punched the wall. He was pissed now. "Shut up and stop asking questions!" Dean grabbed the back of Cas' chair and dragged him into his room with no windows and only one way out. Dean slammed the door behind him.

Cas yelped in surprise, squirming in his chair as he was dragged back. "Stop it! Let me go!"

"No! You're making me pissed when I'm trying to confess my feelings to you, Novak! I don't even want to kill you and you're making it harder to not wanting to kill you! Damn!" Dean growled and fell down on the bed.

Cas groaned and struggled in his chair, looking around for anything sharp. "Hey! Dean's friends! I am very much alive and he's not planning on killing me!"

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