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Benny's voice was coming from the other side of the door. "Damnit Jo! Why didn't you use the handcuffs that could hold better?!"

"Well, I'm sorry but I didn't know that would happen! To be honest I thought I had the right ones!" Jo huffed.

The voices were kinda faint for yelling which mean that they weren't that close but Dean started getting worried. "Cas, hurry.."

Cas swallowed, beginning to fumble with the ropes as he managed to cut them all, pocketing his knife. "Done, cmon let's go." He grabbed Dean's hand and pulled him up.


Right when they made it a couple feet from the window Benny burst through the door. "Damnit!" Benny yelled as he went back to the room where the gang was. "They're gone!"

The whole group broke out in a chatter about how to get Dean back and how to talk Benny out of this crazy state he was in.


Dean ran with Cas and they got back to the treehouse which was a half a mile from the secret warehouse. Dean huddled in the secret room with Cas on top of his lap. Dean held Cas close and smiled. "Thank you.."

Cas smiled softly and pressed a kiss to his cheek, sighing and nuzzling into him. "Dean how are we going to get back..?"

"We don't, we just run away and go somewhere else. It's not safe here anymore.." Dean held Cas closer and sighed.

He frowned but nodded. "Jo has my car, it's still back at the warehouse..."

Dean nodded and lifted his head proudly. "Well then, we do what I do best Novak. We're gonna steal a car."

"Are you sure that's the best idea?"

Dean chuckled. "We're not stealing your car back. We're stealing one from the parking lot at the pub down the road. People will be too drunk to notice."

Cas furrowed his brows and nodded. "But what about the people we're stealing from?"

Dean shrugged like it was no big deal. "Well, they shouldn't have got drunk."

"Well that's not right. Shouldn't we just get a cab?"

Dean rolled his eyes. "Cas do you wanna escape and run away or do you wanna possibly get caught by Benny and tortured?"

Cas swallowed and sighed softly, nodding. "Fine.. How do I help?"

"Just distract the person with conversation or that you're working on a case and that person might have something to do with it. I mean, you are a detective. While you're talking, I'll get the car and drive up right next to you; that's when you hop in and we drive off."

"Sounds like a plan. When do we go? And what if Benny comes back here to look for us?"

"That's why we leave tonight, so get some rest." Dean kissed Cas and layed down with Cas in the secret room in the treehouse. Yeah, the secret room was big enough to have two people lay down comfortably.

Cas wrapped an arm around Dean, burrowing his head in his chest. "It's cold up here."

"M'sorry Novak.." Dean sighed and held Cas closer than ever, engulfing him in a hug. "I love you.."

Cas took a deep breath and mumbled softly. "I love you too.. And you can call me Cas."

Dean smiled and kissed his forehead. "Okay Cas.., get some rest.." Cas smiled and nodded, drifting off to sleep.

Dean slept only for a tad bit because he didn't want Benny sneaking up on them. Luckily that didn't happen by the time they both woke up. "Hey, Cas, c'mon it's time to go through with the plan.." Dean kissed Cas to wake up.

Cas nodded sleepily and yawned, slowly sitting up. "Okay.." He grumbled, stretching. Dean chuckled softly at Cas stretching and then kissed Cas out of nowhere. The kiss was soft and sweet.

Cas smiled and wrapped an arm around him, slowly pulling away. "Let's get going." Dean nodded and stood up, pulling Cas with him. They both got their bags of stuff that Dean brought to the treehouse when he ran away and they left. On the way to the pub, Dean grabbed Cas' hand and intertwined their fingers, looking to Cas to see if he was okay with it.

Cas blushed lightly and smiled, squeezing his hands. The people nearby would probably be too drunk to care anyways.

Dean smiled warmly and walked to a car. While he was walking to the nice car a guy was walking to it as well. "Go stop that guy and I'll be right there."

Cas nodded briskly and walked to the guy, flashing his badge and striking a conversation with him. Dean smirked an hot wired the car before immediately driving fast towards Cas. "Get in Cas!"

Cas' eyes widened and ran towards the car, jumping inside as he drove off. "Sorry!" He called to the drunk customer. The drunk guy was in shock that, that was his car but then he giggled from being drunk and hot a cab.

Dean turned to Cas and kissed him before turning back towards the road. "You like..?"

Cas laughed lightly and nodded, sitting up straight. "I love it."

Dean smiled warmly and happily. "Awesome, cause I can do this." Dean smirked and drove off fast down the road; faster than the speed limit.

He gripped the door. "Dean at this rate, we're going to get pulled over."

Dean laughed and slowed down. "I think you're just scared." Dean smirked and looked at him in the eyes before looking back to the road again.

Cas pouted and leaned back against the seat, arms crossed. "I'm not. He huffed.

Dean kissed him then looked back to the road again. "I'm just playin' around Cas.." Dean nudged him gently and playfully.

Cas chuckled and shook his head. "Yeah yeah, keep your eye on the road."

Dean shook his head with a laugh. "Whatever you say Cas." Dean watched the road and soon they were out of town and had been driving for an hour.

Cas leaned back, sighing softly. "Where are we going to go?"

Dean smiled with a soft yawn. "Well, I told you that I always have a backup plan. And this back up plan is a bunker that I found awhile back when I pretend to be dead and went off the grid so people wouldn't try to kill me."

Cas chuckled softly and smiled. "That sounds great. Where is this bunker of yours?"

Dean sighed and looked to Cas then back to the road and shrugged. "Lawrence, Kansas."

"Does Benny know about this?" Cas tilted his head.

Dean shook his head. "Not at all Cas.., just me; only me."

Cas nodded slowly and sighed. "Okay.. Good."

Dean looked at the time and sighed. "Halfway there Cas.. Oh, and this bunker has anything and everything that we need to survive." Dean smiled.

He smiled as well, leaning back against the seat. "Good."

Dean drove a bit faster since they were on a road with barely anyone and Cas ended up falling asleep. Dean drove for another one and a half hours before getting there and driving into the garage, parking the car then closing the hidden garage. He chuckled softly as he found Cas asleep, so he turned the car off and straddled Cas' lap to kiss at his neck.

Cas woke up with a quiet squeak, blushing brightly. "What- Dean are we there yet?" He blinked sleepily and sat up.

Dean sat up and looked to Cas' eyes. "Yeah, we're here and I'm so damn tired but let me show you around first cause this place is huge."

Cas smiled and nodded, pressing a kiss to Dean's lips. "Well lead the way."

Dean smiled happily and kissed Cas one more time before getting off of him and out of the car with Cas.

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