The Plan

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They all made their way to a small pub and ordered very large mugs of beer, clinking their glasses together before drinking. Dean challenged Jo on in a chugging contest. They both had to chug two big beers and whoever finished first won. Let's just say Jo was done first. Dean growled but kissed her cheek before giving her a hug. "Good job sweetheart." Dean laughed.

Jo giggled and shook her head, leaning against the seat. "Thank you Dean.."

"Hey, you deserve it sweetheart. Last time I saw a girl drink like that, damn owed her a night in bed. But sadly I can't do that with you so what would ya like?" Dean chuckled softly.

Jo chuckled and grinned. "Another drink would be good."

"Comin' right up sweetheart." Dean waved over at the bartender for another set of drinks for the whole gang. Dean handed her a beer. "Here ya go."

Jo smiled and took a swig of the beer, winking. "Thanks love, so, shall we brainstorm the plan?"

Dean chuckled and took a sip of his own. "Yeah, we shall. What do ya got?"

Jo shrugged. "Well, Benny's got the guys place, and we all know he works late nights, so an ambush would be more than easy."

Dean nodded. "I like that, so how about you use your new technique and tell Cas that you're lost. Once he lets you inside there will be an ambush and I'll be the one to knock him out. We'll take him to our place and everyone go celebrates while I wait for him to wake up then kill him."

She smirked and chuckled quietly. "I like the idea of that. So when should we do it? Day after tomorrow?"

Dean nodded. "Yeah, we don't want him to suspect anything."

Jo grinned and nodded, taking another long drink. "Sounds great."

They all drank the night away then went back home to start getting the actual plan ready after a long night of rest. Jo laid out the street where Cas was, helping jot down notes on her sheet. "Okay, best time to come is maybe two in the morning?"

Dean thought about it for a second and nodded. "Yeah, that works.. And Jo when you tell Cas that you're lost use your technique, but also look very innocent; not too innocent though."

She smirked tilted her head, batting her eyelashes. "When have I ever looked too innocent?"

Dean chuckled and smirked. "God, just do what ya gotta do and just like that."

"I know." She did a little bow and smiled. "It's a special skill of mine."

Dean did a little clap and kissed her cheek. "And that one of the reasons why you're on our team."

Jo chuckled, winking. "That and I'm badass."

"Exactly sweetheart." Dean twirled her around and then took a bow. "Okay.." Dean spoke up to everyone. "Does everybody understand the plan?"

The group nodded and went about to prep, Lucifer leaving to scout out Cas' place. Lucifer found the place and set a few things up. He came back and they all rested for the next night.

Early next morning, they all made their way into downtown Chicago. Jo knocked frantically on his door and Cas opened the door, hair mussed. "Hello..?"

Jo looked around frightened and worked a little of her new technique in it as well. "I'm really lost and I think someone's after me."

Cas furrowed his brows and opened the door wider. "Oh, well come in, I can call the police for you."

Jo practically ran inside and hugged Cas from behind, tightly. "I'm so sorry to bother you Mr, I'm just really scared.." Jo then smiled softly and kissed Cas' neck. "Ya know you're really sweet for doing all this."

Cas blushed brightly and shifted. "It's really no problem Ms..?" He pulled away, sitting her in a chair.

She sat in the chair and crossed her arms, leaning back. Her cleavage showed a bit too much and her hair was in messy but nice curls. "I'm Maddie. You are?"

"I'm Castiel Novak., nice to meet you." He smiled slightly, ears still red. "Can I get you anything. Food or drink?"

"Well, I mean, I wasn't expecting the person to let me in be so handsome.." She stood and walked over wrapping her arms around her neck.

Cas blushed again and cleared his throat, looking down shyly. "Oh I um, you are very attractive yourself.."

She shrugged with an innocent smile but that smile had a bit of a smirk as well. "Why, thank you Castiel." She ran a hand through the back of his hair and leaned in a bit.

His cheeks went redder as he shifted awkwardly. "So, can you describe who was after you?"

"Yeah, umm, he was a man about 6ft tall. Very green eyes.., and he had this hat on that would cover his face if he looked down a certain way.." She was describing Dean and looked down then back up. "But, I'm safe here right?... With you.." She smiled innocently with a smirk again.

Cas tilted his head at the description, that sounded a lot like Dean. "Of course." He smiled slightly. "No one is going to come after you in here."

"Good." Jo smiled and kissed Cas. "Thank you.." She whispered against his lips before hugging him. She kissed gently and sweetly.

Cas was a bit taken aback by the kiss but returned it, a small smiled in his face. She sighed and kissed him one more time. "Why does my rescuer have to be so handsome?" Jo bit her lip with a small smile.

He chuckled softly and shook his head, heading towards the phone in the kitchen. "Let's call in that report."

She smiled and stepped in front of him, putting a hand on the phone to stop him. She lead him in the place for the ambush, which was the bedroom and smiled innocently with a smirk again. "I have a better idea.." She sat down on the bed.

Cas raised a brow and tilted his head, smiling. "Oh really? And what is that?" He walked closer.

She moved her hair back with her hand to show more of her cleavage. "I think you already know what it is.." She bit her lip seductively and puffed her chest out just a little.

Cas blushed and cleared his throat, stepping closer. "I think I do.." He murmured, leaning in.

Jo pulled Cas down and kissed him one more time before pulling back with a smile and that's the moment when Benny came in and punched him, knocking Cas out cold. Benny looked and Jo and shook his head. "You couldn't have gone any faster with getting him here?"

Cas cried out in surprise, slumping down against the bed. Jo shrugged and smirked, biting her lip. "I was having my fun."

Benny shook his head with a little chuckle. "Okay, okay, let's just get Cas and go so we can celebrate with drinks."

She chuckled and nodded, draping Cas' arm over her shoulder. "Can you get the other side?"

"Yeah." Benny nodded and grabbed the other side. They carried Cas out to the car and drove away. Charlie tied Cas down to a chair and Dean kissed her head and Jo's before they left. Giving them a silent good job. Dean sat down in the other chair and waited for Cas to wake.  

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