Feelings & Running Away

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After the busy day, Cas went to the holding cell, expression blank and a pair of cuffs in his hand. "You ready?"

Dean shrugged with a sigh. He had a face that said that he was tired and just wanted to get this over with. "Sure Novak." Dean held his hand out for them to be cuffed.

Cas clipped the cuffs onto his wrists, grabbing his arm and pulling him out the to car. He opened the door, helping Dean inside.

Dean cooperated with Cas the whole time and didn't say a word. The drive was about an hour away, so about halfway into the drive when just their one car was on a road, Dean pulled to cuffs off and jumped out of the car like they do in movies. He rolled into the woods and just started running.

Cas' car screeched to a halt and he ran after Dean the best he could. "Winchester!" Dean heard him and ran faster. He almost got away until he tripped on a branch and immediately hid in a bush, hoping Cas couldn't see him.

Cas looked around, standing right next to the bush as he pulled his gun out. Dean swallowed and kept silent. A small shiver rushed through him as he thought about what Cas was going to do. 'Was he seriously going to kill me?' Dean thought as another shiver came from being outside a night and because of the thoughts.

Cas sighed softly, he had to find a way to draw him out into the open. He pointed his gun up into the air and fired. Dean immediately flinched and sucked in a breath bit Cas couldn't hear him and he didn't make a sound, thankfully.

Cas cursed under his breath and rubbed his face. This was not good. Dean just sat there behind the bush thinking. 'Was I going to die today?' He didn't want to die today and that wasn't happening. 'Was escaping really a good idea?' Dean sighed.

Cas let Dean escape. Twice. If this kept going on, he'd be pulled off the case. Maybe if he got to a higher elevation he could find Dean... Dean was wondering what Cas was thinking. He was trying to get in the mind of Cas. What was his next move? What was Dean's next move..?

Cas looked around and climbed up a tree, looking around the forest. Dean watched and followed Cas with his eyes. He looked up and saw Cas, their eyes met, and Dean took of running again through the woods.

Cas jumped down, cursing as he landed on his ankle, limping/running after Dean. Dean looked behind him and saw Cas a little close but not much, then he looked closer and saw Cas limping. Dean suddenly stopped and immediately felt bad. He didn't know why but he did. Dean climbed the tree that was next to him and waited for Cas.

Cas stumbled into the clearing, grumbling under his breath and looked around. "Where the hell did you go..?"

Dean was really high up in the tree but Cas was still able to see him if he looked in the right spot. Plus Cas couldn't climb up because it would hurt his ankle. Dean smirked and spoke up. "Ya know Novak, we are out here all alone where no one can see us. Why not have a little fun and try something new for ya..?"

Cas spun around and narrowed his eyes up at him, letting out a puff of air. "Why don't you come down here and we'll talk?"

Dean shook his head and shrugged. "No, I'd rather have you put down your revolver and handcuffs first."

Cas sighed and dropped his stuff on the floor. "Thanks." Dean smiles and jumped down. He landed perfectly and didn't hurt himself. "So, it's dark and we are alone.., together." Dean winked.

Cas took a small step back and shook his head. "Yeah that's not going to happen."

"Why's that, because if I recall you almost started to kiss me back on one of the times that I kissed you.." Dean smirked and took a step closer as he bit his lip.

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