What Blackmail?

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A bottle and a half later they were both drunk, so Dean drank some water and went to bed. Cas stayed up and there was a knock at the door, it was Anna.

"Coming~!" Cas chuckled and stood up to answer the door.

When Cas opened the door and Anna smelled the alcohol, she immediately smirked and kissed him roughly. Anna closed the door with her foot softly and pushed him against the couch, straddling his lap while continuing to kiss.

Cas made s sound of surprise, pulling away from the kiss. "Anna-" he protested.

Anna moaned and kissed him roughly again, speaking against the kiss before kissing again. "God, I fucking /need/ you so /bad/.." She rolled her hips on his roughly in need as well.

"Anna get /off/!" Castiel protested, trying to cross his legs.

"No Cas.., I need you.." Anna kissed roughly and didn't let Cas cross his legs as she started to palm him.

Cas let out a stuttered moan before pushing Anna back by her shoulders. "Stop it!"

"No! I /need/ you!" She groaned and then moaned as she felt him getting hard against her. Anna continued to kiss roughly.

"Dean!" Cas called out as he squirmed under her, not wanting to hurt her.

"Don't call for him, he'll just think the note is true. Come on, I love you and I need you. Please.." She moaned, holding him down.

Cas shook his head. "Anna, you don't love me, just get off!" Cas finally pushed her off and stood.

Anna got pushed and she started crying and she fell on her back off the couch. She stood and looked to his eyes. "I-I've always loved you.." She ran out the house.

Castiel swallowed heavily and looked down, hiding his face in his hands. Dean finally got out to Cas in his wheelchair. "Cas?! What's wrong?!" He was so worried and filled with fear.

"I-I.." Cas stammered and shook his head. "I'm sorry-I didn't mean to wake you up, it was a nightmare." He lied, taking a shaky breath.

Dean frowned and slowly wheeled forward, hugging Cas tightly. "I'm sorry baby.. come back to bed.. I need you.." He smiled softly and looked up to him.

Cas nodded and sniffed, burying his head into the crook of Dean's neck. Dean and Cas went back to bed. He smiles and soon fell asleep, huddled closely.

Cas smiled in his sleep, but frowned as it soon turned into an actual nightmare. Dean just smiled in his sleep and nuzzled himself into Cas' hold more as he got cold. "No..stop don't.." Cas murmured quietly, squirming a bit.

In Cas' nightmare, it got to the point where he pushed something or someone and accidentally pushed Dean off the bed and onto the floor, hitting his side first. He yelled out in pain and immediately started crying harshly.

Cas jolted out of his sleep, falling off the other side of the bed. "Dean? Dean?" His eyes widened as he stood up. "Oh my god I'm so sorry!" He ran over, gently helping Dean up and back into the bed.

Dean cried and bit his lip as he hugged Cas tightly; tighter than ever. "D-Did.. Did you ha-ave a bad-d dream..?"

Cas nodded quickly, tearing up. He felt awful for hurting Dean, for Anna, for everything. "I'm sorry-I should take the couch, I love you." He gave Dean a quick kiss before leaving the room.

Dean layed back down and frowned with tears still in his eyes. "Cas, come back.." He said weakly but Cas could hear. "I want you.." Cas wiped his eyes, continuing towards the couch and plopped face down.

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