Finally The Day Has Come

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On the day of the wedding,Dean and Cas got ready and went out. Dean was in his nice tux and Cas in his as well. God, they have both waited for this day to come for such a long time and it was finally the big day. The the two of them hurried into their car and drove off to their spot, with their fingers perfectly laced together with care. "C'mon Dean!" Cas laughed lightly as he ran out the car. "We can't be late to our own wedding!"

Dean laughed and ran with Cas. "Damn, you're so cute!" Dean smiled happily as could be. They arrived at their secret place in wonderful time as everything was set up beautifully. They had nice wood benches and flowers lovingly placed here and there. The altar was in front on the trees by the bushes just for them. As Dean and Cas approached the wedding area, down the secret passage , Dean turned to Cas and smiled warmly. "Ready to walk down together?"

Cas blushed brightly and nodded, his pulse quickening as he saw the aisle strewn in petals with gorgeous flowers. "Ready." Cas took Dean's hand, squeezing it gently.

"Of course Cas.." Dean said with a soft smile, held Cas' hand tightly as they started to walk. God, it was magical. Charlie and Balthazar were standing tall and proudly with care.

Cas pecked his cheek and walked carefully up the platform with Dean. "You look very handsome." He muttered softly, grinning. Everything was so god damn amazing for them.

"I could say the same for you.." Dean muttered softly back. The wedding went along nicely with Ash doing a wonderful job. Soon it was time for the vows, Cas smiled and slipped the ring onto Dean's finger. "Dean Winchester.. You've brought new meaning into my life... And I couldn't be any happier than I am with you."

Dean bit his lip. "I love you.." Dean smiled and slipped the ring onto Cas' finger as Cas did to him a few seconds before. "Castiel Novak.. You are my everything. Who would've thought a guy from the mafia and a guy from the detective station would end up together. Damn.. I love you so much and I'm proud to call you my husband in a few seconds.."

Castiel chuckled softly and bit his lip, smiling.

"Do you, Dean, take Castiel to be your husband?"

"I absolutely do.." Dean said breathlessly as he just stared into Cas' baby blue ocean eyes with beauty.

"Do you, Castiel, take Dean to be your husband?" Ash smiled.

"I do..." Cas murmured almost with a daze of complete love.

"You may now kiss." Dean smirked at Ash with a wink before pulling Cas into a deep and passionate kiss full of beauty.

Cas grinned and teasingly dipped Dean back before slowly pulling away. "I love you Dean, forever and always."

"I love you Castiel Winchester, forever and always." Dean smiled and Charlie, Balthazar, and Ash all cheered. They ran off happily and started to dance not to far away but still in the same place. Dean and Cas were so peacefully in love with each other.

Off in the distance was Benny, peeking from the bushes. He smiled softly with a sigh. He was happy that Dean was happy, that was all that mattered to him but he was still upset. Eventually time went on and he found another guy that was amazing and wonderful. He grew old with that guy, chasing people and stealing stuff. That special guy died in his sleep as they were old so he had felt no pain. Benny soon died a week later from a heart attack. But all his life, Benny never forget his first and only /true/ love; Dean Winchester. In the end, it wasn't Dean's or Cas' or anyone else's story.., just good old Benny's story..

..The End..

---Note From Writer: Thank you so so so much for reading my story. I hope you enjoyed cause I worked really hard on this. Please tell your friends about my story and I'd absolutely would love to read, comments, questions, concerns, and feedback overall! Also if you have any request please feel free to tell me! I'll differently try to write a lot more for you guys! *hugs* Love y'all so much!---

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