A 'Small' Incident

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Dean drove around town and the visited places before diving for a tad bit longer before reaching the club. He parked somewhere safe before heading in with Cas.

Cas smiled and looped his arm with his, walking into the club and ordered a few drinks. They were having a good time but what they didn't know was that Lucifer was there. They didn't know until Lucifer came up behind Cas and gave him a hug, ignoring Dean like he never saw him before. "Hey brother."

Cas jolted in his seat, wincing slightly as he turned around, glaring. "What're you doing here?"

"What, can't a big brother can't visit his little brother at a club?" Lucifer smiled and looked to Dean, then back to Cas. "And who's this tall drink of water..?" Dean glared but Lucifer acted like he didn't notice.

"You haven't talked to me in two years, Lucifer." He narrowed his eyes, slowly standing up. "And don't pretend like you don't know who he is."

Lucifer chuckled. "Aww, come on Cas. I don't know him and really wanted to see you.."

Dean growled and held Lucifer up by the collar of his shirt with a tight grip. "Lucifer, I swear, if Benny's somewhere near here or any of the group or you go back and tell, I /personally/ will come to kill you." Cas could hear every word.

Cas swallowed, pulling Dean away from his brother. "Don't it's fine." He turned his attention back to Lucifer. "Is he really here?"

Lucifer just chuckled at Dean and then looked to Cas with a smirk and a shrug. "I leave it up to you to find out." Lucifer winked before walking into the crowd.

Cas glared and swallowed, looking back to Dean. "Should we find somewhere else?"

Dean looked down then back to Cas. "I don't know what to do in this situation actually.."

He sighed softly. "Let's just stick close to the bar."

Dean nodded and held Cas close. "Sounds good for now.."

Soon Dean looks back and sees Lucifer talking with Benny. His eyes widen slightly and leans down to Cas, taking his hand. "We have to go now."

Cas nodded quickly and stood up, hurrying towards the door. Benny smirked and watched them leave. Once they got outside Lucifer grabbed Cas and held him tight. Benny grabbed Dean and pulled both into an alleyway. Benny spoke up. "Hey boys. Long time, no see."

"Hey!" Cas struggled against him as he was dragged back into the alley, glaring at Benny. "Hello Benny."

"Hey Novak, Winchester. What to do? What to do?" Benny smirked and pulled out a pocket knife, holding Cas' chin up with the knife.

Dean saw the movement and glared. "Benny, off! You don't need to hurt anyone!"

Cas' eyes widened, leaning away from the knife Benny got mad and yelled. "Why shouldn't I!? You left us Dean! You left me! And for the people who try to put us away?!"

"I'm sorry damnit, but I live him and you can't change that!" Dean challenged him slightly with a growl covering the challenge mostly but not all the way.

Benny turned and shook his head, grinning slightly. "You want to bet on that?" He made a small nick on Cas' chin.

"Stop! Don't hurt him Benny!" Dean growled and that growl hid the challenge he said yes to. "Hurt him and I hurt you damnit!"

"I don't think you'd want to risk that Dean." Benny smirked.

"I'll risk /anything/ to keep him safe, cause I love him!" Dean looked to Cas with a smile but then glared at Benny again.

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