Get A Little Drunk

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Dean showed him around everywhere and that took about another hour and a half.

"This place is very very large." Cas chuckled as he passed the study and sat down.

Dean chuckled. "I know baby." Dean kissed his forehead before walking to the kitchen and getting a beer for both then coming back and sitting on the couch next to him.

Cas blushed lightly and smiled, taking the bottle and a small sip. "Thank you." He looked around the bunker. "So how long do we stay here?"

Dean shrugged. "Well, forever I guess.." Dean smiled and cuddled Cas close to him, taking another sip.

He frowned slightly, looking up at Dean. "Forever?"

Dean looked down. "Baby, we got people lookin' for both our names to kill."

"Yeah but.. we'll die down here eventually.. Right?"

"Not if I run out to get some food now and then.." Dean smiled and kissed him.

Cas furrowed his brows and sighed softly, gently kissing him back. "Forever is a long time."

"I know. That's how long I want you in my life..and, umm, to be honest here. I'm kinda scared of myself because of killing people and with you I'm happy.."

Cas blushed lightly and smiled, pressing a kiss to his lips. "I love you Dean.."

Dean kissed back and smiled. "I love you too baby.." Dean drank the rest of his beer and went back to grab two more. "Mind if we get drunk tonight?" He chuckled.

Cas chuckled and shook his head. "I don't mind at all."

Dean smiled and kissed him again. "Well then I better get the scotch.." Dean went back and got more beer and the scotch.

Cas smiled softly and leaned back. "How did you know I was a scotch person?"

"Just looked like the type of guy, I guess." Dean chuckled and handed him a glass of scotch.

Cas chuckled and took the glass, sipping it with a sigh. "I've missed this."

Dean sat down with him and took a drink as well. "What do you mean Cas..?"

Cas shrugged and smiled. "Just.. relaxing, I guess. I haven't done it in awhile."

Dean smiled and leaned to Cas. "Yeah, guess so.." Dean took a sip and finished off the glass, pouring another. He was already getting slightly drunk.

Dean smiled and leaned to Cas. "Yeah, guess so.." Dean took a sip and finished off the glass, pouring another. He was already getting slightly drunk.

Cas chuckled, finishing his glass as well and pouring himself another one. After a few more beers and glasses of scotch they were both really drunk. Dean chuckled. "Ya know baby, I fucking love you."

Cas giggled and nodded, pecking his lips. "I love you too Dean." He grinned, leaning against him.

Dean chuckled and opened another two beers for both of them. He handed it to Cas and kissed him sloppily. "What do you wanna do baby..?"

Cas shrugged, chuckling softly. "Y'know I don't know? What do you wanna do.,." He mumbled against his lips.

Dean chuckled and held up another bottle scotch. "More drinking!" Dean poured more glasses and set them on the coffee table for them to drink as they please.

"Yay!" He cheered and drank another glass of scotch. Three glasses later, he was slumped on the couch, slurring incoherently.

Dean laughed lightly and everything was blurry and slurred. Dean and Cas were slumped out on the couch, laying down. "M'baby.."

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