Heartbroken & Pissed

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Benny pressed a kiss to his forehead, before standing up and walking to the room. Cas swallowed heavily and pressed himself against the wall, looking for a way out.

Cas was out of luck, there was no way out of that room with going back to the room that everyone else was in.

Dean got up and stopped him. "Are you sure you're not gonna be mad at me or him? Promise me."

Benny gently pushed him to the side, continuing to walk to the room. "I don't know, Dean, I'm sorry." He stepped into the room, looking around. Cas' eyes widened, quickly shooting to his feet.

Dean just huddled in a corner and let everything play out. Cas pulled Benny down and tried to escape but he looked down and saw Jo. "Damn." Cas cursed under his breath before just hiding behind Dean. Dean didn't move, he didn't even react to Cas behind him, he just sat there looking down in shame.

Cas swallowed heavily, gripping Dean's shoulders as he backed up further. "Dean.. Is that Castiel?" Benny clenched his jaw, stepping closer.

Dean looked down and sighed with a little nod. "Yeah, it is.. I told you I'm sorry." When Cas hugged Dean, Dean held him close but still looked to Benny. Dean was just hugging onto anything he could right now, because he was scared.

Cas backed up further and looked back at Jo, then back to Benny. He was screwed. "Dean what is he doing here?" Benny scowled.

"I think I'm in love with him.. I'm-I'm sorry.." Dean held Cas close and looked up to Benny with some tears.

Benny blinked slowly. "Dean- this guy's a cop! He's just doing whatever he can to gain your trust!"

"No he's not! I love him and I love you! I kissed him and I kissed you! I'm so confused!" Dean looked to Benny then Cas then back to Benny again.

"I can handle that." Benny stepped closer, pulling Dean close and away from Cas. "Dean, c'mon, it's been you and I for two years."

Cas swallowed heavily and looked down at the ground. He just got in the middle of a relationship. It'd be best if he left before anything got worse.

Dean looked to Benny's eyes then back down to Cas. "But I love both of you now and I'm afraid of losing everybody." Dean pulled Cas up and held both of them close but away from each other too.

Cas was still nervous, slowly slipping out of Dean's arm, keeping his gaze down from Benny's glare. "..I should let you two talk." Cas mumbled softly, climbing down the tree house.

Dean held Cas' hand and looked to his eyes before Cas went down and was held by Jo, so Cas wouldn't try to go anywhere. Dean just hugged Benny tight.

Benny let out a shaky sigh and hugged him back tightly. "Dammit Dean.. Why Novak of all people? He wants you arrested."


Cas glared back at Jo and pulled away. "I'm not going to try anything."

Jo huffed. "Why are you tricking our Dean? He's not yours and we're gonna get him back."

I'm not tricking him." Cas sighed. "And you shouldn't scold me for tricking people."


Dean looked to Benny's eyes and leaned in for a kiss, but when Benny pulled away he looked down. "I don't know Benny..I'm sorry though."

Benny shook his head and looked down, resting his forehead against Dean's. "The detectives a bad idea."

Dean looked down and closed his eyes. "I really don't know what to do Benny. I love both of you and I'm so confused.."

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