Hospital & Proposal

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Benny was actually out with Lucifer, scouting Castiel's location. He had been trying to keep himself busy with a case ever since what happened.

Dean woke back up a little bit later and shook his head. No, it can't be true. Cas loved him and he knew it. That's when he got up and remembered that Benny keeps every single one of his plans written in a journal. Dean started to look for it.

Benny and Lucifer went into Cas' house, taking an extra key before heading back.

Dean found the journal and started looking through it, finding the thing about blackmailing Cas to breakup with Dean. Dean knew it, he knew that Cas loved him. Dean started to cry heavily as he was happy at Cas and mad at Benny; more like disappointed at Benny though.

They arrived a few minutes later, Benny walking back into the room to find the journal on the floor.

The journal was opened to the page about blackmailing Cas and Dean was nowhere to be found, but he did leave a note by the journal. "Why Benny?! I thought Cas was playing with me feelings but the only one playing with them are you! Blackmailing though? That's disappointing.. You know this gang doesn't swing that way, and to think that I believed you? Guess I'm the fool.. Bye, Bennyboo.."

Benny cursed and clenched the note in his fist. He was so close! He had to make sure Dean didn't get to Cas. Benny rushed to the car and drove over to his house.

Dean was crying the whole drive over to Cas'. He luckily got there before Benny and immediately hugged Cas. "I love you!"

Cas flinched at the touch, looking at Dean with wide eyed. "You're-you're not mad at me?"

"Benny blackmailed you. And who cares if it's true or not no matter the blackmail; I love you." Dean started to cry as he held onto Cas as tight as possible.

"He-he kidnapped my partner." Cas teared up and buried his face into Dean's chest. "He threatened to kill him and all of us if I didn't do it."

"I'm sorry baby.. I'm so so sorry.. I know everything and I'm so sorry.. I love you and you love me, that's all that matters. Now, I know he's coming soon so what do we do?"

Castiel bit his lip and looked down. "I don't know..." Just then, the door creaked open, Benny and Lucifer stepping in.

Dean's heart started racing faster and faster. "They're here.." Dean looked to Cas' eyes. "Do you have a secret room like the treehouse..?"

Cas shook his head. "No, usually I don't have his stuff happen to me.." He swallowed, pulling Dean into his room.

"Shit." Dean mumbled and held Cas close, looking for a place to hide but it's too late and Benny enters the room. "Go away Benny. Leave us alone."

"Dean-.. I'm sorry, but I did what I had to do. Yeah, I might've blackmailed him but he chose his partner over you!" Benny pulled out his gun.

"You would've killed all of us if Cas didn't go through with your little plan! I love him and you can't change that!" Dean saw the gun and got a little scared.

"I wasn't really going to kill you! Dean please, you just said you loved me too." Benny cocked the gun.

"No! I said I loved you cause you played with my feelings! You made me believe that I was a fool for going with Cas! But you're the fool to think that I wouldn't find out!" Dean stepped back a bit, next to Cas.

Benny growled. "I did it for you! You don't understand Dean, I didn't want to hurt you!"

"Well you did! I hate you Benny! I love Cas!" Dean started tearing up. Dean growled and held Cas, kissing his forehead. "I love you Cas.." He whispered and he didn't care that Benny was there.

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