Some Simple Flirting

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When Cas did get back, Dean immediately took the food out of Cas' hands and set it down before kissing Cas on the cheek and hugging him tightly. Then he whispered two little words.., "I'm sorry.."

Cas looked up at Dean frowned, tilting his head in confusion. For all he knew, this could be a trap so he quickly and gently pushed him away. He cleared his throat and nodded. "Just eat your food."

Dean nodded and backed away, sitting on his bed and eating the food. When he was finished he laid down and threw the plate on the ground. "Thank you for the food Novak."

Cas nodded and took a seat outside the cell, leaning back against his chair and kicked his feet against the bars so no one could open the door without his knowing. "No problem." He yawned.

Dean stood and went to the bars on the edge of the holding cell. "You know, if you are tired then you can come in here and lay down.., with me.." Dean shrugged.

Cas snorted and shook his head. "Yeah no, I'm not doing that." He leaned back and closed his eyes.

Dean crossed his arms. "Why not? Don't trust me? Think I'll do something or try to escape. Well guess what, you're right but who do I have to go to? I already told my gang to go ahead and move without me."

"Doesn't matter. You've still have done enough to get yourself at least ten years if not more. I'm not letting you go and I sure as hell don't trust you."

"Come on Novak. I thought we had a moment. I shared one of the memories that I buried for a long time. Novak, I almost cried and broke down. Now I'm asking nicely, would you like to come in her and lay down? I promise I'll still be here in the morning." Dean sighed.

Cas shook his head again. "Nope." He popped the p. "Sorry but I'm not letting my guard down at any time of the night."

Dean sighed. "Fine, but I'll let you know that means that you are not allowed to sleep, and to be honest you look tired."

Cas sighed and rubbed his eyes. "I'll be fine."

"Good luck Novak." Dean walked over and layed down on the bed. He smiled and just stared at Cas. Part of the staring was to watch if he fell asleep and the other part of the staring was just to look at him, seeing how handsome he was.

Throughout the night, Cas' eyelids began drooping before finally falling asleep at two in the morning.

Dean snorted, not surprised that Cas fell asleep when he woke up around 2:30 in the morning. Dean stood and looked around, for something to help him get out. Nothing. So he gently picked up Cas feet then threw them down. "Novak!" Dean yelled in the voice of Balthazar, his partner.

Cas jolted up in surprise, falling out of his chair and landing on the floor with a grunt. "Balth? What-"

Dean fell on the floor as he burst out laughing. He laughed nonstop for a good few minutes before catching his breath and looked Cas' eyes. "Good job not falling asleep."

Cas glared at him, rubbing his backside as he stood up. "Shut up." He mumbled, cheeks bright red.

"Make me." Dean smiled playfully. That was most likely the best thing he's done in awhile for him. "Wow, that's the hardest I've laughed in awhile. Thanks Novak."

"Assbutt." He muttered under his breath as he settled back into his chair.

Dean sighed and shook his head, leaning up against the wall. "Why can't you take a joke Novak. I'm just trying to have some fun.." Dean looked down then back up to Cas.

"I was having a perfectly good sleep." Cas grumbled sleepily. He did not function well without sleep.

"Okay, well I was getting bored and I promised not to escape so I having nothing to do in here besides sleep, but I'm not tired." Dean day down on the edge of the bed and looked to Cas.

Cas shook his head and yawned. "Then why not let me sleep? Screw this I'm just going to ask someone to take my place." He walked up to the bars, reaching in. "Could I get the plate?"

Dean glared. "That's it? Wow, fine I'll get you the plate." Dean picked up the plate and gave it to Cast but right when he gave him the plate he pulled Cas close by the collar of his suit, and kissed him hard. Dean wasn't letting go until he was done.

"Dea-mm!" Cas' eyes went wide as he pushed at Dean's chest. Again, he almost leaned into the kiss before he pulled away.

Cas pulled away, but Dean pulled him back into another kiss. It was gentle but hard and it had a bit of actual feeling. Dean had one hand on Cas' suit and the other was on his cheek, moving slowly to his hair.

Cas let out another noise of surprise, gripping the bar as he finally pulled away, gasping for air. He bit his lip and stormed away, face bright red.

Dean smirked as Cas walked away and he sat on the bed. Dean was kinda surprised in himself to be honest. I mean, some of the kiss was actual feelings that Dean had for Cas. 'No, damnit, you like Benny not Cas..' He thought to himself.

Cas called in a guard to watch Dean's cell, driving home and crashed on his bed, instantly falling asleep. Dean thought about what he just did with Cas for awhile before eventually falling asleep around 4:00 in the morning.

Cas slept into the afternoon before getting up to work on another case. When Cas got to work Dean was fighting with a guard about not letting him sleep because Dean was flirting with him to get him out. Apparently the guard didn't appreciate it and started calling him names and then, then, he brought up Dean's brother right when Cas got to Dean's cell. "You queer, and your damn brother deserved to die and be done without reason! Shut up and sit down before I shoot you just like I shot your brother!"

"Milton that's enough!" Cas barked, storming over and dragging the guard out of the holding area. "He's a prisoner and he is not to be treated that way. You're better than that."

Milton growled and looked to the holding area before looking back to Cas. "Well, it's not my damn fault that I didn't finish my order, so I figured why not finish now?"

"Well, since you couldn't do your job, he's in police custody. So I suggest you sit back and suck it up. Am I clear?"

Milton glared at Cas. "Fine Novak, but I'm the one that gets to kill him if that's the order from the judge." Milton pushed Cas with his shoulder as he walked away.

Cas huffed and walked back into the room. "Are you okay?" He furrowed his brows. "I'm sorry, that was unacceptable behavior from him."

Dean stood from the corner where he was turned around like a stupid child and crying softly. He face got slightly red, but when Cas spoke up he immediately stopped and wiped the tears away. He looked Cas dead in the eyes and walked to the bars, grabbing them forcefully. "No. No, Novak, I'm not okay. First you leave me because I got happy from pulling a joke on you. Then you send this damn guard to watch over me; which happened to be the guard who killed my brother. And after all that he assaults my brothers name and me."

"I left because you-" he lowered his voice. "Kissed me. Twice. And I was exhausted. Look I'm sorry okay? But you were trying to flirt with him..." He sighed and rubbed his face. "You won't have to worry for long, I'm taking you to court tomorrow."

"Damnit Novak, I'd be better if you just killed me now. Then I'll be at peace, and yeah,-" Dean lowered his voice as well. "I kissed you, but the second time I did I got to say that I felt something. I'm sorry Novak, but I think I like you.."

Cas bit his lip and shook his head slowly. "Well then I'm sorry Winchester, but that's not going to work, nor will it ever work." He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Wait!" Dean grabbed Cas' hand through the bars and looked into his eyes with a soft smile. "I'm sorry.."

Cas swallowed and slowly pulled away and sighed, walking out the hall. "Damnit!" Dean yelled and hit the bars. He went over to the sink and washed his face and hands. 'Why did Cas say anything back? Did he like me too? Did he feel bad for me?' All these thoughts came into Dean's mind as he layed down on the bed.  

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