The Beach With A Beautiful Date Night

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A week later Cas and Dean were all settled in into their new beach side home that only Balthazar and them knew about. The wedding was also in two weeks, which was exciting.

Cas looked over at Dean and smiled, pecking his lips before getting up to make breakfast. Dean's side was getting a lot better so maybe he'd want to go swimming.

Dean smiled and kissed back. Yes, his side was getting better but he was still in a wheelchair just to be safe. He would walk around a few times to help and everything was good.

Cas went into the kitchen, making some eggs and bacon. Dean smiled happily and when breakfast was done cooking, Dean came out and they ate together. "This is really good Cas."

"Thanks." Cas smiled softly and continued eating. "I was wondering if you wanted to go swimming?"

Dean looked up with a bright smile and he nodded. "I'd love to go swimming Cas."

"Great." His smile widened and he ate faster, excited to go out.

After breakfast they both got ready and Dean walked to the beach with Cas, hand in hand. Cas pecked his lips before dipping his toe into the water. "It's cold!"

Dean smiled widely and laughed, walking up to Cas and pulling him towards himself. "You big baby." He chuckled playfully.

"I am not." Cas huffed. "You try it yourself"

"Fine." Dean walked towards the water and got in, clearly trying his best to hold a scream in because it was cold. "See?" After a bit he yelled and jumped to Cas.

Cas laughed lightly and smirked, folding his arms. "Who's the big baby now?"

Dean stuck his bottom lip out and crossed his arms, talking in a baby voice. "I'm not a baby."

Cas scrunched his nose. "You are too."

Dean chuckled and kissed Cas deeply, taking his hand. "Come on, we'll go together.." He started walking towards the ocean.

Cas smiled and began walking into the surf, inhaling sharply. Dean took a deep breath and held Cas close as they walked in, going into the waist high.

Cas' teeth chattered, moving around to try to get warm. Dean smiled and kissed him deeply, sitting down carefully on the ground. Dean was already used to the cold water by now.

Cas waded around the water, smiling slightly. "W-well it's getting better."

"It feels nice now, especially with the sun out." Dean smiled and pulled Cas down to sit with him.

He leaned back against him, nodding quickly. "Still pretty cold." He chuckled softly.

Dean smiled. "I'll keep you warm baby.." He held him close and tight.

Cas smiled and rested his head on Dean's shoulder. "My hero."

"Only for you baby." Dean kissed at his neck softly. "I can't wait to marry you Cas."

"I can't wait either.." Cas hummed, reaching back to take Dean's hands. Dean smiled and took Cas' hands in his, intertwining their fingers.

Cas tilted his head, pecking Dean's check. "So I finally get to meet the infamous Charlie?"

Dean chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, and I didn't tell anyone but she knew me and you were a couple before we knew we were a couple. It's what she does."

Cas raised a brow and chuckled. "She didn't even know I was gay."

"Yeah, but she has this thing for spotting out people who are gonna be together before they even know and I guess we were one of those couples." Dean chuckled happily.

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