A First Time

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It took 30 minutes to show Cas around the whole place. Cas' room was directly next to Dean's room. "Cas, if you ever want to you can sleep with me.., just remember that."

Cas whistled lowly as he walked around, looking around at all the rooms. "I'll take you up on that offer sometime." He smiled softly.

Dean smiled and pulled Cas close by the waist, biting his lip. "And if you really want to, we can finish what we started in that treehouse.."

Cas grinned and placed a hand on Dean's chest, chuckling softly. "I like the sound of that."

Dean blinked and looked to Cas' eyes. "God, Cas, why do ya gotta be so damn handsome." Dean smirked softly as he bit his lip.

He blushed lightly, pressing a kiss to his nose. "I can say the same for you."

Dean smirked and bit his lip, acting innocent. Cas gave a slightly confused look so Dean spoke up. "Well, Jo's not the only one that can innocently sexy.." Dean tilted Cas' chin up and leaned in for a kiss but pulled away in a teasing way before they could kiss and walked into his room, sitting in the bed.

Cas whined quietly at the loss of touch, following Dean into the bedroom and straddled his lap, smirking. He wrapped his arms around the back of Dean's neck and pulled him into a kiss.

Dean smirked and kissed back passionately and harder than usual. A small innocent, but not innocent, moan escaped Dean's mouth as they kissed.

Cas moaned as well, pushing Dean back against the bed, continuing to kiss him. Dean wrapped a hand in Cas' hair, pulling slightly as he kissed deeper and ran the other hand down to Cas' lower back. "Damn Cas.." He whispered with a moan.

Cas shuddered slightly, shifting his position and began kissing down Dean's jaw. Dean leaned his head back to give Cas more access with another moan. "More.., just more sir.."

Cas raised a brow, murmuring against his skin. "Sir...?"

Dean blushed heavily with a smirk. "What about it..?" Dean pulled Cas' back to look in his eyes by the hair.

Cas blushed brightly as well, resting a hand on Dean's shoulders. "Nothing.. I uh, I was just surprised."

Dean smirked and kissed Cas harder but passionate. "It's supposed to be Cas.." Cas smiled against his lips, tilting his head and leaned back, pulling Dean with him.

Dean held himself up over Cas with one arm and the other was on the back of his head, pulling slightly. Cas moaned softly and draped his leg over Dean's hip, deepening the kiss.

Dean moaned and started pulling on Cas' pants, trying to get Cas' belt off as he kissed hard but somehow soft at the same time. Cas lifted his hips and helped slide the belt off before leaning up to undo Dean's pants as well.

Dean pulled back and looked into Cas' eyes. He suddenly just kinda, stopped what he was doing and stared with a soft smile. "Do you love me Cas?"

Cas blushed lightly and smiled, nodding. "Yes Dean, I love you."

Dean sighed in a way that he knew the answer and he was right, but it was also a sigh of relief. "I just asked cause Benny said you were just using me. I know it's not true but I couldn't help wondering." He looked down and away as he talked.

Cas frowned and shook his head quickly. "I would never use you or anyone like that. I'm sure Benny was just angry..."

Dean smiled and looked back to Cas. "Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry Cas.." Dean then blushed getting a thought. "Do you mind if we change things up and instead of going how we were just a minute a go, we go slow and gentle; make love if you wish to call it that..?"

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