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    I laid on my back beside Marlene, staring up at the starless night sky as we hung out on the roof along with the others.

To say training has been tiring has been an understatement. Still, I freaking- no, I fucking loved it.

It was exhilarating and extremely satisfying when I'm able to push- and surpass- my limits.

Being a part of Dauntless was possibly one of the most liberating things I've ever experienced in my life and despite Tobias's warnings, I don't think I could ever bring myself to regret my decision. And not just because it got me the hell away from Marcus.

I startle when the rooftop door slams open with a loud bang and I push up on my elbows just in time to see Zeke sauntering in with a pretty brunette trailing close behind him.

"Four's been on a rampage," Zeke announces as he plops down beside his brother, gesturing for the girl with him to take a seat beside him.

Lynn raises a brow at him, "Care to elaborate?"

"Some initiate has been making a habit out of hanging out with Eric and Four's been stomping around like an angsty toddler." The brunette says before turning to look at me, "I take it you're the initiate in question?"

I swallow at her accusatory gaze on me and decided to take the opportunity to introduce myself instead of answering her question.

"I'm Nessa."

"Ah, so it is you!" She grins, "I'm Shauna. That's my little sis you're sitting next to." Shauna introduces herself, nodding her chin at Lynn.

"You're sisters?" I asked in shock and Shauna nods enthusiastically.

"Can't you tell?" She says, reaching forward and snatching her sister by the shoulders. Shauna then pressed their faces up against each other so they were side by side, "We've been told we look alike." She shoots me an exaggerated, drawing a scowl from Lynn as she pushes her sister away.

Even though she acts so callously, it's clear she and her sister have a close bond, much like Uriah and Zeke. Lynn just isn't big on showing her affections.

Zeke narrows his eyes, "You've been causing a whole lot of trouble, Nessa." He says, "You're lucky I like you." He then folds his arms and pouts, looking much like the toddler Shauna has described Four as just minutes ago. No wonder they're best friends.

"Four's being a little whiny bitch these days. I never thought I'd see the day where I'd choose hanging out with these suckers over him." Zeke continues, "My heart is broken, it's like I've lost a friend."

Uriah rolls his eyes at his brother's dramatics and shoves Zeke in the shoulder, "Stop acting like it's such a pain to hang around us and just admit that you love being in our presence."

Sprawling onto his back Zeke shakes his head vehemently, "I'd rather die."

Lynn turns to her sister, "Are you jealous about your boyfriend having a boyfriend?"

Shauna smirks, "Four may be my best friend, too. But that doesn't mean I don't have eyes. If he wants to be part of our relationship, all he has to do is ask." She shrugs, "I bet he's good in-"

"Hey!" Zeke cuts her off with a glare, "I'm right here, you know."

Thank god for Zeke's timely interruption. It was taking everything in me not to plug my ears and yell, 'I can't hear you!' At the top of my lungs. No sister should have to hear about her brother being talked about like that. Ever.

"I think we're missing the most important point here." Marlene jumps in, turning to look at me with curiosity. "Since when did you hang out with Eric again? The last we heard, he helped you to the infirmary and let you sit with him during dinner."

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