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"Eric? Really?" Tobias demands when he was finally able to corner me just as I left the dining hall after dinner.

I had managed to avoid him all of yesterday. But alas, there is no getting rid of a sibling that's on a mission. Especially when they're as stubborn as mine was.

"You're making a bigger deal out of it than it has to be," I argue.

"It is a big deal, V." Tobias sighs as if I was getting on his last nerve. I probably was, but that isn't really my issue now, is it? "Eric isn't a nice person."

"I would disagree, he's been the sweetest and a complete gentleman."

Tobias makes a face, looking at me like I might've knocked my head too hard one too many times and has suffered some kind of brain injury...okay, I might have hit my head a couple of times during my altercation with Drew, but I am completely fine.

"Those aren't words I would use to describe him."

"Has it ever crossed your mind that it might be because you don't know him as well as you think you do?"

"V, he's dangerous." Tobias grits out, "He's just going to end up hurting you."

"You're underestimating his character, Toby." I argue, "I trust him."

"He's not who you think he is," My infuriating brother retorts.

"I think I'd like to form my own opinions in regards to that," I huffed, "He's been looking out for me since we first met, I don't think someone as evil as you're making him out to be would care enough to do what he does for me."

"Really makes you wonder what he stands to gain out of it, huh?"

I frown at my brother's statement, "I swear to god, Tobias. If you're insinuating that I'm exchanging sexual favours-"

"Damn it, V. That's not what I meant! I just meant..." Tobias squeezes his eyes shut as if he's a hairbreadth away from losing it, "I suspect he's working with someone."

"Working with who?" I questioned, my frown deepening. "And on what?"

"The people who hunt Divergents," He answers, "Like I said, V. He's dangerous."

This new piece of information makes me feel a little uneasy. Still, the trust I have for Eric wins out. Tobias must've seen it in my eyes and he shakes his head, speaking before I could get a word out.

"V, I know you think you can trust him. But you have to admit that there are still things that neither of us knows about him. Secrets that he isn't going to divulge because he may care about you, but there's someone else- an important someone- that he's still loyal to."

"Then, I'll talk to him about it-"

"No," He interjects, "You can't, V." Tobias glances over his shoulder as if to check if we were alone before he says, "Tori had a brother. He was found at the bottom of the Chasm one day and we suspect it was them who was behind it."

My heart goes out to Tori. I couldn't even imagine what it would feel like to lose a brother.

"Have you guys figured out who these guys are?"

"We have our theories," He replies curtly.

"And you think Eric is one of them."

Tobias looks at me with apologetic eyes, "Yes, I do."

I swallow, "What are we going to do about this?"

"You aren't going to do anything, V." He says, "You're going to stay as low-key as possible, and that means keeping your distance from Eric."

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