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    I fucked up. I hadn't meant to kiss her. An initiate, no less.

I'll be honest, I am attracted to her. Really. Fucking. Attracted. But as luck would have it, she is an initiate. In other words, she's fucking off-limits to me. And since I couldn't have her, I thought I might as well have some fun with it.

Look where that fucking got me.

It was all fun and games until I walked in on fucking Four with his arms around her. I don't think I've ever wanted to kill him more than I did at that moment. That says a lot considering I'd rather take a cactus in the ass than consider ever being friends with him- scratch that, even being unwilling faction-mates with him makes me want to gouge my eyes out.

All I've gathered from this so far was that jealousy is a fucking bitch and it makes you do stupid fucking things; like kissing a damn initiate.

Trust me, I've done some really stupid shit before like help her with her gun training because I couldn't stand that she was pretending that I never even existed. Or that other night when I basically dared her to get a tattoo and now all I could think of is that damn sexy-looking tattoo at the base of her neck. Fuck. This though...this takes the cake.

I run a hand through my hair in frustration, watching every single Dauntless member give me wide-berth as I make my way into the Pit.

Evidently, I was in a mood. Everyone around here knows better than to piss me off when I'm having one of those days.

"First fight!" I announce, making my way to the ring that has already been set up. "Peter versus Tris."

I hear a couple of gasps in disbelief coming from around me. I knew the stiff wouldn't stand a chance against Peter. Boo-fucking-hoo. Too bad for the stiff, I was looking to cause some damage today. She's been pissing me off more often than not, anyway.

As the stiff makes her way to the ring, I see Four grab ahold of her arm, bringing her to a halt as they conversed in low voices.

Dickhead couldn't even decide which girl he wanted. If it were up to me, Nessa wouldn't even have any competition. In fact, I don't think I even so much as glanced at another girl since she'd arrived.

I rein in my temper and quickly shake the thoughts out of my head. Thinking about her is the last thing I need right now.

Although, that's a fucking tall order considering how I could feel those big doe chocolate eyes on me from where she stood at the other end of the ring.

Damn it. This was going to be a long day.

"You alright there, stiff? You look like you're going to cry." Peter taunts, "I might go easy on you if you cry."

As much as I didn't like the stiff, Peter's voice annoyed the hell out of me today and I snapped.


Not needing to be told twice, Peter takes a step forward and takes his first swing. I'm not quite sure what happens next, but I'm quite sure I heard the sound of someone landing a hit as my eyes flit over to Nessa rather than focusing on the fight like I should've been.

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