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"Well, that was pathetic."

I look over my shoulder to see Eric standing over Al a few targets down, staring at him disapprovingly as his knife clutters to the ground.

"I-It slipped," Al stuttered.

"It slipped?" Eric scoffs, "Well, go get it."

"What? While they're throwing?" Al's voice quivers slightly as he speaks.

Eric glares at him with critical eyes, "Are you afraid?"

"Of getting stabbed by an airborne knife? Yeah."

Judging by the look on Eric's face, that was definitely not the answer he was looking for.

"Everybody stop," He barely raises his voice, but still it commands the entire room.

Everyone falls silent, their gazes falling on Eric and Al like predators hungry for a potential meal, but in this case, they were probably just hungry for some drama.

"Stand in front of the target," Eric snaps out the order.

The look on Eric's face must convey how dead-serious he is and Al lets out a sigh and helplessly makes his way over to the target and stands in place of it.

"Is this really necessary?" I ask under my breath when Eric nears me as he paces.

He glares at me, "Keep your mouth shut, initiate." He warns before turning to Tobias, "Four, give me a hand here."

My brother doesn't question him, looking slightly resigned as he makes his way over to the weapons table and collects a handful of knives.

"You're going to stand while he throws those knives," Eric instructs, "And if I see you flinch, you're out. One thing you will learn here is that orders are not optional."

My eyes dart between Eric and Tobias, who was flipping a knife in his hand as he gets ready to throw.

As much as I don't doubt Tobias's throwing skills, I can't shake the thought of how one slip of the knife would Al his life.

"He gets your point," I try again, "That's enough, don't you think?"

Eric turns to me sharply, his eyes boring into mine in a way that brings clarity on why everyone has warned me to stay away from him.

"Only I get to say when it's enough." He grits out, "Now do as I say and shut it, or you'll be next."

I notice Tobias tensing, his eyes flashing to me and warning me to do as he says.

"Are we doing this or what?" Tobias asks with an air of boredom as if he couldn't give two shits about what was happening and was just counting down the minutes until he could get the hell out of here.

Eric's gaze observes my brother before they flicker to me and narrow suspiciously.

His jaw ticks in what seemed like annoyance as he jerks a chin at Al, "Go on, then."

Tobias pulls his arm back, ready to make the throw when a voice stops him.


Everyone turns to look at Tris who had spoken. She's looking at Eric with disapproving eyes, never once showing an ounce of fear even when Eric turns his steely gaze on her. I had to give it to her, the girl was definitely something.

"Anyone could stand in front of a target, it doesn't prove anything," Tris argues.

Eric raises a pierced brow at her, "Then, it should be easy for you to take his place."

Stay Away | Eric Coulter [1]Where stories live. Discover now