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Observing the sea of grey surrounding me, I notice- not for the first time- how honestly boring it all looks compared to the other factions.

"When we leave this room," As much as I try not to, I wince at the sound of my father's voice booming across the room. "You will no longer be dependents, but full-fledged members of our society."

I'm barely able to contain an eye-roll at his words. That's not what was implied when he spoke to me last night... If one could even call it speaking.

"Faction before blood," He says and the hall echoes after him.

Looking around at the faces of people who are so willing to accept the sentiment, I can't help but wonder how they're okay with being seen as nothing more than their factions.

"Jonathan Ziegler," Marcus calls, commencing the ceremony.

A dark-haired boy emerges from the crowd, all decked out in blue, standing confidently over the five bowls before him as he pricks his palm and holds it over the bowl filled with clear water.

"Erudite," Marcus announces and quickly moves on to the next person.

I expected myself to be a bundle of nerves today, especially as my turn draws closer. Instead, here I sat amongst my fellow Abnegation and the only thing that I could think of was how they were soon going to be just Abnegation to me.

I zone out some time after the fifth name, only to be brought back to reality by a voice that speaks up from beside me.

"There's nothing to be nervous about," He says.

I look up at the familiar boy who sat beside me, dressed in dull grey clothing that matched mine. It dawns on me that he's the son of the Prior family, Caleb. The only reason I knew him was that Marcus worked closely with his father. The man clearly adored his children, because every time I had the pleasure of meeting him, they were all he could talk about. I used to dream about what it felt like to have a father like him instead of Marcus.

I shake my head, pulling myself out of my thoughts and focusing on the conversation that's being initiated. "I'm not nervous. Are you?" I didn't need the answer to that. Judging by the way he's been fidgeting in his seat, I'll say he is.

"What faction?" I ask before he could answer.

Looking slightly guilty, he glances at the rows of Erudite members before us, confirming my suspicions that he was indeed planning on leaving Abnegation.

I nodded slowly, leaning back in my seat just as Marcus's voice calls out his name.

"I'm sure you'll be fine," I say as he shifts nervously in his seat.

Muttering a quick 'thank you', he raises from his seat and makes his way to the podium. Caleb goes through the motion of pricking his palm with the blade and holds it over the bowl of water without hesitation.


A chorus of gasps and murmurs sounds through the Abnegation crowd.

Stealing a glance at his parents, I can't help but feel for them at the sight of their fallen faces as they watched their son make his way to his new faction.

Stay Away | Eric Coulter [1]Where stories live. Discover now