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    "I've cleared out a drawer for you and made some space on the shower caddy for you," Eric says as we enter his room, looking a little flustered to have me in his space for the first time, which I thought was adorable. "Do you need anything else?" He asks, placing the duffel bag full of my stuff he was shouldering by the door of the bed.

I shook my head with a smile, "Sounds perfect."

"Okay, then." Eric gives me a quick peck on the lips, "I have a leaders' meeting I have to get to, but let me know if you need anything else."

"You go ahead, I'll just get to unpacking." I raise on my toes to kiss him, sighing happily when he deepens our kiss.

"I'll be back as soon as I can," He mutters against my lips.

With a parting kiss on my forehead, Eric leaves me to my own devices and I take a proper look around the room for the first time.

The place seems a little devoid of a personal touch. Like it was never really lived in and merely just a place to get a good night's rest. I have to give it to him though, it was really neat for a guy's room. I might be stereotyping a little here, but based on my experience with Tobias's room, which always looks as if a bomb had gone off in there, a boy's room is never as tidy as Eric's was.

I plopped down on the edge of the bed that was covered in dark grey sheets and a matching duvet. I expected something of that colour scheme, I suppose.

Basking in its softness, I take a minute to appreciate how much softer it is than my lumpy mattress back in the dorms or even the one I had back in Abnegation.

Then, I proceed to put my clothes away, trying to maintain the standard of neatness Eric has and frowning at how unevenly folded my clothes are as compared to the stack of clothes that were folded with surgical-like precision that Eric had sitting on his dresser that he has yet to put away.

With a huff, I refolded all of my clothes until I was happy with the outcome. Before moving on to putting away my toothbrush and shower gels in the bathroom.

By the time Eric returns, I'd showered and was standing in front of a tall shelf that has been stacked to the brim with books and scanning through any titles that have caught my interest.

Strong arms wrapped around my waist from behind, pulling me into a firm chest before a pair of warm lips started trailing a line of kisses up my neck, making me giggle.

"Your Erudite is showing," I tease, nodding my chin towards the shelf to indicate what I was referring to.

Eric hums thoughtfully against my skin, "I heard ladies dig bookworms."

"It's true," I agree with a firm nod, "A guy who reads is all kinds of hot."

"Remind me to read more often when you're around," He presses another kiss to the spot just below my ear and then spins me around in his arm until we're standing face-to-face. "Everything okay while I was gone?"

"I think I'm all settled in," I reply, "It's practically my room, now."

"It is," He states, "All your stuff is here, so it's yours as much as it is mine."

My breath hitches at his words. Damn this smooth-talking man.

Pressing one last kiss to my temple, he peels himself off of me and backs away to the shower. "It's late, you should get some rest. I'm just going to freshen up and I'll do the same."

Nodding in reply, I pull the duvet back and dive between the sheets, snuggling into the soft fabric that smells just like Eric.

I'm close to falling asleep when I hear the bathroom door open softly and feet shuffling against the floor as Eric moves around the room.

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