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My eyes snap open at the same annoying sound that jars me awake every single morning.

I raise on my elbow to glare at my brother who smirks back at me when he sees me.

Rolling my eyes at him, I fall back onto my lumpy mattress, shifting in embarrassment when I don't quite remember how I got here.

I rummage through my thoughts of the previous night. I remembered deciding to get some more practice in when I couldn't fall asleep. I remember Eric taking me to the beautiful glass room, him putting the ointment on my knuckles and I also remember watching the view with him. I must've fallen asleep some time then.

Somewhere in my subconscious, I'm vaguely aware of being wrapped up in Eric's arm as he carried me and his warm lips on my forehead as he mumbled a quick goodnight. But then again, that could very well have been part of my dream. 

As I hopped out of bed and pulled my shirt over my head, I get a quick whiff of the woodsy smell that's all man that I've come to associate with Eric, bringing a smile to my face. It definitely wasn't a dream.

I make it to the Pit with a pep in my step. My thoughts were so plagued with Eric that I haven't even thought about my fight with Drew until I pass that damn board with our pairings on it.

Dread pools in my stomach. I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't ever let someone lay their hands on me again, but I'd also vowed that I'd never ever be like my father. The thought of knocking someone out even if it were in a ring makes me feel like I'm just as big of a monster as he is.

A warm hand on my hip pulls me from my thoughts and I turn to see Eric standing behind me.

"You'll be fine," He reassures in a whisper for my ears only before continuing to the front of the room and I immediately find myself missing his touch.

My eyes meet my brother's over Eric's shoulder. He'd clearly seen our interaction and I expected to see fury in his gaze, but I find none. Instead, his eyes dart between Eric and I with a thoughtful frown before he turns his gaze to the rest of the group that were just arriving.

I spot Uriah, Lynn and Marlene in the sea of Dauntless-borns on the other side of the Pit and Marlene waves at me enthusiastically while Uriah gives me a thumbs up and Lynn simple raises her chin in greeting.

"Alright! First up, Nessa and Drew!" Tobias announces and I suck in a nervous breath.

"Yeah! Go, Nessie!" Uriah cheers, pumping his fist in the air, drawing laughter from some and a deadly glare from their instructor, Lauren.

I laugh despite my nerves and step into the ring on shaky feet.

Drew scowls at me as he stood across from me, cracking his knuckles in an attempt to probably look intimidating. I raise my chin to meet his gaze, refusing to back down even though the entire situation made me kind of queasy.

I raised my arms to shield my chest in the fighting stance we were taught and Drew does the same.

"I've been waiting for this," He spat as we circled each other. "How does it feel knowing you're going to leave this ring on a stretcher, stiff?"

I ignore his week taunts, watching him closely for his impending attack.

He steps out with his left foot, but not far enough to reach me and I knew the asshole was just looking for a reaction when he feigns a punch, so I don't give him one, remaining completely unfazed which seemed to piss him off.

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