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    'The Calvary' that Uriah was referring to had turned up just as Eric was stomping off as if the world had personally wronged him in the form of Marlene and Lynn.

Lynn lets out a low whistle as she watches our blue-eyed leader leave, "What happened there?"

I glance over at her with a raised brow, doubtful that Uriah hasn't said anything. Knowing him, he definitely did.

My face must say it all because Lynn smirks, "From what I hear, there's trouble in paradise."

I groan and Marlene gets a good laugh at my expense, throwing an arm over my shoulder and leading me down the hall.

"It's alright, Ness. We have exactly the thing to take your mind off things."

Intrigued, I shoot my bubbly friend a curious look. "And what's that?"

She links her hand through mine and jumps up and down excitedly, "Beer!" Observing her slightly flushed face, I wonder if she already had some.

We made our way up to the rooftop with Marlene chatting away about how Uriah had stubbed his toe against his bed frame while in a rush after waking up a little late.

When we emerge from the stairwell, I find Uriah already comfortably lounging against a wall on the far end with a beer bottle in his hand.

He grins when he sees me, "Ah, I see you've made it out unscathed!"

I knew the minute my butt settles on the gravel floor that I would get interrogated about it and swooped down to grab a bottle for myself.

"Courtesy of Zeke," Uriah says, "You can thank him for it."

I stare down at the bottle for a minute before pulling off the metal cap with ease from years of serving Marcus and taking a big gulp.

I've never drunk before, it wasn't something that was allowed in Abnegation. I thought it was kind of ironic that the person they'd chosen to lead them indulges in it on a daily basis.

At first, I wince at the bitterness of the beer but decide to give it a second before forming an opinion. The following sip was better and surprisingly refreshing. Though, it's definitely not something I would find myself forming an addiction to like Marcus had.

"Alright, Nessie." Uriah rubs his hands together in gleeful anticipation, "Time to spill, what was that about?"

"Uriah told us all about it and whew!" Marlene fans herself, "Even I could feel the sexual tension and I wasn't even there!"

I choke on my drink at her words, slapping myself on the chest until it wasn't passed.

"Jesus, Mar." I took a deep breath, "Don't say things like that."

Marlene wiggles her brows at me with a smirk, "I wouldn't have if it wasn't true." Before pressing her palms together pleadingly, "Come on, Ness! Please, we need to know! This is probably the most interesting thing that happens around here!"

I knew she was being dramatic. In my time here, the Dauntless were far from boring.

"Pleaseee," She continues to beg, "We won't tell anybody."

I narrow my eyes at her. It would be nice to have somebody to talk to about this. Eric was the most confusing person I've ever met and I need help figuring him out or I'll go mad.

"Even Zeke?" I ask suspiciously, knowing that if Zeke ever found out about this, I would be in a world of trouble.

Uriah gives me a firm nod, "Screw Zeke, he doesn't need to know."

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