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It was Visiting Day.

I could feel the excitement radiating off everyone else at the chance to see their family again, I, on the other hand, was dreading it.

Although I had told Tobias that I was sure Marcus wouldn't show up, I still kept expecting him to appear somewhere- like one of those ghosts in a horror movie.

I'd almost jumped out of my skin this morning when Eric had placed a hand on my hip while I was brushing my teeth. To be fair, I was expecting him to be at one of those Dauntless leader meetings they do frequently held.

My jitteriness hasn't passed Eric's notice and he hasn't left my side even though I'd told him I was fine when he asked.

"Any plans today?"

I'm so deep in thought that Eric's voice cutting through the silence startles me slightly. He frowns at my reaction but doesn't comment on it.

Taking a deep breath in and out, I answered, "Uriah and Zeke invited me to join them for lunch with them and their Mom."

"That's nice," He says, even though he probably thinks otherwise. Nothing against the Pedrads, socialising was just not Eric's thing.

"It is," I agree, "I'm supposed to meet them in the Pit." What I don't tell him is how I'm hesitant to go because I'm afraid there's an off chance Marcus might be there.

Eric is silent as he observes me for a second, then as if he senses my fear, he takes my hand, pressing a kiss to my knuckles and says, "I'll go with you."

I nod, feeling immensely grateful and raised on my tippy-toes to kiss him.

His hands snake around my waist as if it was the most natural thing to do as he kisses me back and I sink into his embrace.

"Thank you," I tell him as our lips part.

Eric smiles against my lips, "Anything for you. Should we get going?"

I let him interlace our fingers and then lead us out of his room.

The hallways are empty as we made our way to the Pit, with everyone already gathered there and reuniting with their families.

I suck in a deep breath as we finally reach the Pit and Eric gives my fingers a comforting squeeze.

The Pit is a little more crowded than usual when we enter and Eric lets go of my hand, letting me through in front of him, guiding me with a hand on the small of my back.

I scan the crowd for the Pedrad brothers and spot them in the far corner across from me talking to some of their friends that I've never met before.

Uriah must've been keeping an eye out for me and sees me in an instant, waving to me with a wide grin before holding up a finger to tell me he'd be with me in a minute.

I shoot him a thumbs up in return, hoping he wouldn't cut short his time with his other friends for my sake.

"There you are, sweetie. I've been looking everywhere for you!"

I freeze at the voice that I didn't think I would ever hear again. Alarm bells go off in my head as I turn to look at Marcus as he stands before me with what I assume is supposed to be a fatherly smile on his face, except, it looks anything but.

"Look at you! My beautiful daughter," Marcus throws his arm wide like he's expecting a hug from me and takes a step towards me and in turn, I take one back, stumbling right into Eric's chest.

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