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Uriah and Marlene distract me with mindless chatter as they accompany me back to my dorm while Lynn lends her silent support. As we near the room Uriah perks up.

"Hey, man!"

I tear my gaze from my feet to see who was it that he was greeting to see my brother hovering by the door.

Tobias jerks his chin in one of those 'bro-greetings' that boys seem in do and pats Uriah on the back, "Thanks for taking care of her."

Uriah shakes his head, "Don't worry about it. Nessie here's one of us now. She won't be able to get rid of us even if she wanted to."

I raise a brow at him teasingly, "What makes you think I don't already?"

"You love us too much, Ness." Marlene nudges me with her shoulder with a big grin on her face before pulling me in a hug, "We'll see you at breakfast tomorrow! Try to get some rest."

I nod and wave goodbye to Uriah and Lynn before they leave and then turn to face my brother.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"What does it look like? I'm catching up on my brotherly duties." He jokes.

I snort, patting him on the shoulder like he did with Uriah before. "I assure you, I'm fine." I said before adding, "How's Drew?"

"Still an asshole," Tobias replies, in such seriousness that it makes me laugh.

My smile fades as memories of our fight assault my mind and I'm left with the guilty ache in my chest.

"Do you ever get used to hurting people?" I ask. If anyone would understand the turmoil I'm experiencing right now, it would be my brother.

"No," He shakes his head, "That's the ugly side of being a part Dauntless that people don't see." Tobias sighs, "It scares me sometimes, too. But I don't take pleasure in hurting people. Do you?"

My eyes snap to his and I frown at his question, "Of course, not!"

"Good," He states, "You know what that proves? You're not like him. We're nothing like him, V. If you let the memory of him haunt you, then you might as well have stayed in Abnegation because letting him have a hold on you, anyway." Tobias says, "He's not worth the pain, V."

Tobias pauses his speech as a couple of initiates walk by. I'm sure to them, it looks like my instructor is having a chat with me about what had gone down after the fight.

As soon as they disappear, Tobias says, "I was wrong."

"About what?"

"About it being a mistake that you chose Dauntless," He replies, "I don't think I've ever seen you happier, V. Don't let him ruin that for you."

With that, he pulls me into a quick hug and presses a kiss to the crown of my head like he used to do when we were kids.

"Get some rest, you'll need it."

    It's already after midnight when I awaken from an incredibly restless sleep. I fell asleep a little after ten but despite the two hours' worth of sleep, I still feel just as exhausted as before.

Dressed in a tank top and some sweats, I climb off of bed, only pausing long enough to throw on some shoes before I head out the door.

I walk aimlessly through the compound, but before I know it, my feet have carried me all the way to the back of the compound and I'm standing before the rickety-looking door that Eric led me through the last night.

Stay Away | Eric Coulter [1]Where stories live. Discover now