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    "Uriah, please help me get better." I pleaded as Uriah and I neared the Chasm on our way to the rooftop from the dining hall.

I found out today from the board that was put up in the centre of the Pit that I would soon be going up against Drew in a fight that was to determine our final rankings in conclusion of the first stage of our training. And as much as I hated hitting someone, there was no way in hell I was going to let that jerk screw me over.

The thought of fighting someone again reminds me of my fight with Tris...if you could even call it that.  She was already half-beaten to death when I stepped into the ring, so I'm not sure if one could even qualify it as a fight at all, much less a fair one.

To say I still felt guilty was an understatement. I was so beyond sorry, I don't even know how I was going to face her when she gets out of the infirmary.

So far, I've been able to avoid Eric pretty successfully. I was pissed, sure. But I was also confused as hell.

One minute, the guy was kissing me and the next he was targeting me. It almost felt as if I've gotten major whiplash just thinking about it.

"Are you seriously willing to risk me getting kicked out?"

Okay, I was being a tad bit dramatic and maybe even borderline guilt-tripping the guy, but I wanted to make sure I would do well.

"Please," Uriah scoffs, "You're not getting kicked out, Nessie. You'll do just fine."

I was currently ranked eighteen on the board and I wasn't sure how I felt about having only three other names between mine and that damn red line.

"Uriah," I whined, before wincing at the sound of my own whiny-ass voice. Clearing my throat, I continue. "Please?"

"Fine," He sighs, "Tomorrow night, on the roof?"

I nod, "Sounds great! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Darting forward in excitement, I wrap my arms around him in a tight hug.

"Woah! Watch the nuts, Nessie!" Uriah complains, "I almost spilled them."

I laugh at how ridiculous and almost inappropriate that sentence sounds, but trust me, it didn't mean what we all probably thought it did. Despite just having dinner, Uriah was snacking on a packet of mixed nuts. That was the nuts he was referring to.

A throat clears from behind me and I curse under my breath.

Whirling around, I see Eric standing behind me with his arms crossed and wearing a scowl. He must've been standing there long enough to hear Uriah talking about his, um...nuts.

I narrow my eyes at him before reaching back and grabbing ahold of Uriah's hand and dragging him behind me as I continued down our path, regardless of whether or not Eric was standing in our way. I'd decided that I had spent enough time running from him and if he was determined to continue being such a jerk, two could play at that game.

Before we could make it past him, his hand shoots out and wraps around my elbow.

"What do you want this time?" I snap.

He raises a brow in the infuriatingly hot way he always does and I quickly remind myself that I'm still pissed off at the guy.

Instead of answering me straight away, Eric hums thoughtfully as his eyes take me in from head to toe in a slow perusal.

"You've been avoiding me." He states, totally uncaring of the way Uriah's eyes seem to ping-pong between the both of us.

"Have I? Whatever gave you that idea?" I shoot him a sarcastic smile before attempting to move past him again.

Stay Away | Eric Coulter [1]Where stories live. Discover now