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    I walked Nessa back to our room, making up some about having some work to do and left.

Instead of heading to my office like I claimed to be doing, I cross the hall to the door across from mine.

Pushing any bad blood I might have aside, I raise my hand and rap my knuckles against the door with a scowl.

The door swings open and Four pauses when he spots me on the other side. He sticks his head out, peering to the left, then right before glancing at me in confusion.

"Where's Nessa?"

"Not here," I stated curtly, "She's not the one looking for you, this time. I am."

Four narrows his eyes suspiciously at me and begins to shut the door in my face but I jam my boot between the door frame before he gets the chance to.

Smiling sarcastically at him I say, "How about we take this inside?"

Not waiting for his reply, I shoulder past him and make my way into his room where I fold my arms over my chest, waiting for him to join me.

"What do you want?" Four grits out as he comes to stand in front of me, "This better be important."

"It is," I answer, "It's about Nessa."

Four's demeanour seems to shift from wary to concern, further proving how much he really does care for his sister.

I clench my teeth, trying to decide what's the best way to break this piece of information to him when he snaps, "Eric, what's wrong with my sister? Is she hurt?"

"No," I answer, finally deciding that it's best to come right out and say it, "She's Divergent."

Four stiffens, his eyes snapping to meet mine. He darts forward, grabbing me by the collar of my shirt and shoving me into the wall behind me.

"If you touch her-"

I shove him off of me, "You think I'll hurt her?" I scoff at him, "Open your eyes, Four." Softening my tone, I say. "I'd rather die than ever hurt her."

Four's eyes observe me and he must hear the sincerity in my voice and my expression because the tension in his shoulder dissipates slightly.

He sighs, "No one can know about this."

I shoot him a flat look, "Really? I was thinking we should tell the world." I answer sarcastically, "No shit, genius."

There's a tick in Four's jaw, and he's glaring at me as if he's very tempted to kill me.

"Since you're so smart, what do you suggest we do, then?"

"We need to prepare her for the final test," I tell him, "She was only in her stimulation for a little over five minutes and there was an error the first time. The way she manages to overcome then doesn't make sense, they'll know." I pause before adding, "It hasn't been announced yet, but Jeanine Matthews plans on overseeing the tests this year under the guise of research. They've been upping the ante in their searches recently. We have to be more careful."

Four nods, "So, we train her in our own landscapes?"

"Yes," I say, "She needs all the practice she can get. The more scenarios she can experience the better."

Four narrows his eyes at me suspiciously and I raise a brow at him, "If you have something to say, spit it out."

"You're willing to let her see your fears?"

"That's surprising to you?" I shoot back.

"Extremely," He replies, "What's in it for you?"

I let out a humourless laugh, "Have you not been listening to me? Nessa is in danger-"

"I got that part," He cuts me off, "Why help her. How can I know that I can trust you with my sister's life?"

I glower at him, "You're just going to have to."

Dissatisfied with my answer, Four glares at me. "I need a reason. You can't expect me to believe you've dropped the asshole act all of a sudden."

"Oh, believe me. I'm still very much an asshole." I reply with a shrug, "Nessa's my girl. And I take care of what's mine. You don't have to like me- hell, I still fucking hate you- but I'm willing to put up with you for Nessa's sake. The question is if you care about your sister enough to do the same for me."

Straightening out, I make for the door, talking over my shoulder to him.

"We'll take turns," I say, "Pick your days and I'll take all the rest."

My fingers curl around the handle and I'm ready to leave when Four's voice stops me.

"You could have any girl," He says, "Why Nessa?" He asks, sounding genuinely curious.

I hesitate for a moment. For some reason, this conversation takes me back to the conversation I had with Zeke. I wasn't ready to admit it then. But after today, I think I finally am.

Glancing over my shoulder at him, I meet his eyes and say the words out loud for the first time, "I love her."

Four is thoughtfully silent, then, he asks, "Have you told her?"

"No," I admit, finding it a little unnerving that I'm spilling my guts to someone I would consider somewhat of an arch-nemesis.

"You should tell her."

I don't bother responding to that and pull the door open and stomp back towards my room.

I find Nessa fresh out of the shower and running a towel through her damp hair as I entered and immediately go to her, wrapping my arm around her waist and burying my nose in her neck to take in the smell of her lavender body wash.

"That was quick," She chuckles, turning to face me.

I drink in her features as she smiles up at me. Admiring her beautiful eyes and perfect lips. I open my mouth to tell her the words I'd so easily mutter when I was only saying them to her brother and not her.

Expect, I find that they aren't quite as easy to say when you're staring at the person you're meant to say them to.

For the first time in a very long time, I felt a sense of doubt blossoming inside me. What if she doesn't feel the same way? Hating how vulnerable it was making me feel, I clamp my mouth shut again.

Instead, I lean down to meet her lips, hoping that the words that I've failed to utter would translate through my actions.

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