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Uriah and Marlene ended up on Tobias's team, while Lynn was on Eric's team with me.

We've decided to take a more defensive approach to things, staying to stand guard of our flag and waiting for the opposing team to come to us instead of actively seeking them out and taking them down.

I was paired with Molly to guard our flag where it's hidden on the top floor of an old building and was currently crouched down behind a wall that had a small crack I could peer through so that I could see if anyone was approaching.

"Drew hates your guts," Molly speaks out of nowhere and I mourn the several long minutes of silence I had.

"Uh, thanks...I guess." I reply, keeping my eyes peeled for members of Tobias's team.

"That came out wrong," She says, "What I was trying to say is that Peter and I disagree. We think you're pretty cool."

I frown, wondering where this was coming from.

"You should join us for dinner."

"Sure," I say mostly to be polite. There wasn't a chance I was going to leave my friends for them. Even if it was for just one night.

"They're here!" A voice yells from downstairs and I immediately snap my focus back to the task at hand.

Peering through the crack once again, I immediately spot Uriah and Marlene exchanging shots with people from my team. Judging by the wide grin on Uriah's face he seems to be having the time of his life.

I shift my gaze to spot my brother in all of the chaos...exchanging shots with none other than Eric. I'm not sure what the history between those two was, but they were going to end up getting along with each other if I had it my way.

"We've got incoming!" Molly yells.

I quickly whip around, hurrying to look down past the railing of the stairs to see Tris already at the bottom of the stairwell with Christina close behind her.

"I'll try to slow them down. Hide the flag!" Molly informs, disappearing down the stairs before I got the chance to reply.

I bolted to the balcony to retrieve our flag before any of them could get their hands on it.

Not seeing anywhere else I could hide it, I stuffed it in the first place that came to mind- the front of my jacket.

Pulling my zipper right up to my chin to secure it, I make a run for the second stairway at the other end of the room, only to be thrown back into a window before I could even make it there.

Pain spreads through my side as I land on the ground shielding my head from the glass that was still raining down on me. If it wasn't for the metal grills on the window, I would probably be lying on the ground five storeys below.

I ignore the stinging pain as glass shards dug into my palm as I felt around for my gun. Finally, my fingers wrap around the metal handle and I point it at my attacker and fire without hesitation.

"Fuck!" A masculine voice curses and I get a proper look at my attacker's face for the first time.

Drew pulls the dart from his chest and tosses it to the side. Though it was obvious he was still in pain, the murderous rage in his expression overpowers that and he charges toward me.

I pick myself off the ground, rushing to the stairs so I could make my escape.

A large hand wraps around my ankle and pulls my feet from under me before I could make it. The metallic taste of blood fills my mouth as my chin crashes into the ground along with the rest of me.

Stay Away | Eric Coulter [1]Where stories live. Discover now