When you opened up the door my life completely changed

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"Dear Isak,

I just came out of the shower and am now sitting on my bed and writing (obviously) a letter to you. Unfortunately, I didn't see you today at school. But the conversation we had last night on facebook totally made up for it.
Ever since you sent me that kissy face emoji to say goodnight, I just couldn't stop smiling.
Maybe, there might be a chance for us, after all.
Maybe, I was wrong in my first letter where I wrote that you would never get to know me. Well, I hope that I got the part where you'll never read them right, because if you do, that would be SO embarrassing.
Anyways, I just hopped under the shower, did my hair and picked out the sexiest outfit I have (which consists of a white t- shirt, black trousers and a neon yellow hairband) I hope that will be enough to impress you ;-)

Sonja.. that's another issue. She practically forced me to have dinner with her parents tonight, but I said that I already have plans. She would completely lose it if she knew that I'm having a party at my place. But, to be honest, I don't care anymore. It's my choice how I spend my time and she has no right to tell me what to do.
The thought of seeing you in less than
an hour makes me so nervous. I wonder what you'll wear. I told everyone that comes to wear old clothes, so that the body paint wouldn't cause any damage.
Oh how I would enjoy dipping my finger in the paint and running it alongside your cheek.
Okay, enough daydreams for today, I need to prepare the last things for the party. Everything needs to be perfect for you.

See you soon,


Even got up and climbed down the ladder of his bed. He failed trying to hold up the towel wrapped around his waist. He didn't care though, no one was home anyway. Grabbing the clothes he laid out in front of his closet, he made his way to the bathroom. Standing in front of the mirror, Even looked at himself. He never understood why some people found him attractive. There was nothing special about him. He should be glad that someone like Sonja wanted to be with him.
Let's be honest, who wouldn't run away if they heard their 'crush' was bipolar.
Even shook his head as if to chase away his thoughts and then dressed himself and put on his favorite Cologne. After one last look in the mirror, he left the bathroom.

One hour later, at point 7 pm, Even heard the first knock. Taking a deep breath to calm himself down, he went to the door and opened up.
It wasn't Isak or one of his friends. It was a group of, what it looked like, first year girls, giggling and wearing too much makeup. When Even said 'old clothes' he didn't mean 'no clothes', but the girls didn't seem to get that.

The one standing in front had dark brown short hair and wore a white see-through top, showing off her pink bra underneath it. The two blonde girls in the back stared at Even as if he was some sort of god and then looked at each other, just to break out in giggles.

"Uhm, hi?" Even said after a moment of awkward silence.
"Hi, I'm Emma!" the girl with the short hair said enthusiastically and the others introduced themselves as well.
Emma? No, Even thought, it couldn't be that  Emma. Please don't let it be her.
But Evens hope was crushed as the girl continued to speak.

"Isak invited me and the others, I hope that's okay."
Instead of answering, Even nodded slowly. Emma smiled at him. She was truly a beauty, Even thought. No wonder Isak would fancy her. What was he compared to her?

"So, come on in girls!" Even said, trying to hide the sadness building up in him.
The girls entered the flat and soon other people came and the living room was full of dancing and drinking teenagers.
There was just one person missing..Isak. From time to time, Even looked at his phone, searching for a message from him saying that he'll be late or won't come. But nothing.

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