Why are we always stuck and running from the bullets?

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"That was..."

"Indescribable? Amazing? Breathtaking?"

"Yeah, that pretty much sums it up."

With those words, Isak cuddled closer to his boyfriend, snuggling his chin into the crook of the older boy's neck.

"You smell good." Isak mumbled and Even felt a tingly sensation on the spot of his skin where Isak's breath hit him.
"What do I smell like?" he asked, gently running his fingers through Isak's blonde waves.
"Mhmm." Isak nuzzled deeper into Even's neck.
"Cinnamon..and..tulips." the younger boy answered, lifting his head again to smile at Even.
"Weird combination, but I like it." Even said, while taking Isak's chin with his thumb and index finger, pulling him up to meet his lips.

For a few minutes, both boys just enjoyed being so close to each other, nothing keeping them apart, not even any layer of clothes. It was skin on skin, heartbeat on heartbeat and for a moment, Even felt like he was the luckiest man alive.

"Let's have a shower and then I'll take you to part two of our date?" Isak suggested after a while.
"There is a part two?" Even asked, lightly surprised.
"Of course there is, you thought we'd just lie in bed all evening?"
"Well, I wouldn't mind as long as you were here with me." Even responded, kissing his boyfriend's nose.

Isak smiled; his sweet, adorable smile, and Even found it hard not to grab his phone and take a picture of it, keeping it forever as his lock screen.

"Let's take a shower first, though." he said, making attempts to get up from the bed.

"Shower, huh?" Even asked, his finger tracing over two birthmarks on Isak's hip, who desperately tried to untangle himself from the blanket.

The younger boy slowly turned around. "Round three? Really?" he asked, but the twinkle in his eyes told Even that he didn't have a problem with that.

Around half an hour later, Isak and Even stepped out of the flat. With thick scarfs around their necks and gloves on, they looked like it was December but really, April in Norway wasn't much better.

"So where are we headed?" Even asked, rubbing his hands together. Silver dust came out of his mouth as he spoke.

"I'm in the mood for a hot chocolate, what do you think?" Isak asked, while taking Even's hand in his, lacing their fingers together.
At the thought of the hot, delicious drink, an anticipating smile crept onto Even's face.
"I think that's a really good idea." he answered, kissing his boyfriend on the reddened cheek.

Hand in hand, they made their way into town, walking down the rather empty streets, until they arrived at the kaffebrenneriet, a cosy small cafe.
Even, being the gentleman he was, held the door open for Isak, who sent him a cheeky smile.

The two boys found a small table for two in the back of the cafe and not soon after the two of them had peeled themselves out of their many layers of clothes, a waitress appeared.

"What can I get for you?" the blonde girl asked, batting her eyelids, much to Even's dismay, at Isak.
"Uhmm.." Isak began, his eyes lingering on the drink menu.
"I'll have a hot chocolate with lots of whipped cream, thanks." he continued, looking up to the waitress, who nodded and then turned to Even.

"I'll take the same as my boyfriend." Even said, emphasizing the last word, while glaring at the girl, who seemed a little bit taken aback.

"What'd you did that for?" Isak asked, once the waitress had walked away.
"She was clearly checking you out, I was just marking my territory." Even responded with a small grin, while reaching out his hand, placing it on Isak's thigh.

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