True colors are beautiful

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It was 4 p.m. on the next day as Even rang the doorbell belonging to Silas' house. David, Silas and him were meeting to practice for their German project, which was due to tomorrow. Considering the fact that Even hadn't even read the whole thing yet, it was about time that they practiced.

But German wasn't the only thing that Even came here for. Throughout the day, Isak and him had tried to inconspicuously observe Silas and David at school, searching for any signs that what they saw yesterday had been real and not just a dream. But nevertheless, the two of them did barely talk to each other and when they did, it was nothing that could have led to the assumption that there was something going on. They seemed to be really good at hiding it.
Although Isak and Even had planned to talk to David and Silas during school, they agreed that it would be better if Even did it later when they weren't in school. 

"Hi, come on in!" Silas greeted Even as the door was opened and the British boy appeared behind it.
He looked rather flustered with his red cheeks and ruffled hair which made Even think that David might have been already here.
Even's assumption got confirmed as he entered Silas' room upstairs, revealing the sight of his best friend laying on Silas' bed, casually flicking through a fashion magazine.
Silas' room was just like his personality, colorful, blunt and just a bit too much at once.
Even had to restrain himself from dropping a comment on David's choice of magazine and instead let himself fall beneath him on the bed.

"You've been here for long?" Even asked, ignoring the fact that David's t-shirt was inside out, with a light smirk.
"Uhh, no. Just got here a minute before you did, actually." David replied a little bit too fast, but Even just nodded and smiled. 

"Soo, here we have our fabulous scene script, let's talk it through!" Silas spoke up enthusiastically, holding a stack of papers under Even's nose. "Have you read the one I gave to you in the hospital?" Silas asked, as he made himself comfortable on the bed as well.
"Yes, I have. It's really good." Even answered and flicked through the papers. The scene really was good. Even liked the message of it, to never let go of the things and people you love, even if it wasn't easy.
"Of course it is, I mean it was written by us." Silas smirked as gestured between him and David, causing the older boy to glare at him.
"Yeah, seems like you really put your..heart into it.." Even said, eyeing the two boys in front of him. 

"Anyways," David spoke up awkwardly, nervously tipping with his fingers on the cover of the magazine, which was now laying in front of him on the bed.
"Mrs. Lunde said we can choose to either film our scene and show it to the class tomorrow or perform it in person. What should we do?" he went on asking, looking back and forth between Even and Silas.

"I think it's best if we perform it in person. This way, we can convey our emotions better and the audience -I mean class- can witness our amazing acting skills face-to-face." Silas responded, while crossing his arms and nodding with a satisfied expression displayed on his face. David exchanged a quick look with Even, before he shrugged his shoulders and said: "Alright." 

Two hours later, the three boys had successfully rehearsed the scene four times and although Even still had issues pronouncing some German words, like 'einzigartig' and 'wunderschön', overall, they were well prepared for the next day.
Silas made three cups of tea and the three of them chilled on Silas' bed while watching some cheap reality show on TV. 

"So, uhm..there's something I need to ask you guys.." Even spoke up after he took another sip from his cup.
Silas' and David's heads immediately turned to him, curiosity in their eyes. "What is it?" David asked.
"Well, uh.." Even began, fidgeting.
"I have noticed that you two..I mean..that you've gotten really close." he continued, letting his eyes carefully wander over to David's, which slowly, but steadily filled with realization, as well as fear.

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