If they find out will it all go wrong?

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"Dear Isak,

So much happened yesterday.
Good, as well as bad things.
I can honestly say that I've never felt so electrified by something before, I've never felt so in love before.
After I gave you the most amazing orgasm ever (I'm not bragging about it, you said so yourself aha), we watched another few episodes of Sense 8 and then you fell asleep on my shoulder.
You looked so adorable sleeping, your mouth a little bit open, little sighs escaping it from time to time, that I just had to take a picture of you. And now I've got a new lock screen.

Anyways, it is now 6:30 am and I just woke up. The first thing I thought of was you, so I just had to write you another letter.
I can't wait to see you later in German class, although we are not paired up, I still get to be around you.
I hope Silas got over his little thing (or whatever that was) for me and can pull himself together so that we can start working on the movie scene.

I have to get up now and get ready for school, so I guess I'll see you later, Isak.♡

Yours, Even."

After Even took a shower, brushed his teeth, styled his hair and ate breakfast, he hopped on his bike and made his way to school.
Two tiring hours of math class later, he and David sat in the canteen, chewing on the cheese toasts they bought.

"So, what were you up to yesterday?" David asked as he took another bite of the toast.
Even stopped chewing for a moment.
What should he say? That he and a very handsome boy from second year, who also occurred to be his boyfriend, have given each other blow jobs?

"Uhm..I just chilled at home." Even mumbled and spoke a little bit too fast.
David didn't seem suspicious though, because he continued eating his toast and nodded approvingly.
"How 'bout you?" Even asked and tried to open his little orange juice box.
"Vilde and I...hung out to talk about the German project." David stammered, causing Even to look up to him, eyebrows raised.
"Vilde and you, huh?" Even asked smirking and shot David a knowing look.
"No, well, I-I don't know." He stuttered and his cheeks turned slightly red.
"Come on man, nothing to be ashamed of." Even continued, his smirk growing wider. David buried his face in his hands.

"I think I need your advice." he mumbled into his hands.
"You need advice from me?" Even asked, emphasizing his last word. "I always thought you were the womanizer."
David looked up again and rolled his eyes at Even.

"I know it's hard to believe, but I've never really wanted to be in a serious relationship with a girl before, I've only ever fucked around. But now, with Vilde, I feel something different." David said, this time more confidently, the expression in his eyes begging Even to understand him.
Even nodded slowly.
"I get what you mean. As I said before, nothing to be ashamed of." he said, smiling at David. He had never seen his friend looking so sincere and honest before.

"So, what is it you're needing advice for?"
Even asked after a while.
"I know that you've been in a relationship with a girl for four years or something, right?" David asked, looking at his friend expectantly. Even nodded.
"So, you must have got some experience with girls."
Even nodded again, shrugging his shoulders. Although his relationship with Sonja hadn't been the best, Even had gotten quite the idea of how girls thought over the years.
"Okay." David stated, taking a deep breath.
"So, how should I tell Vilde that I want more from her than some...physical action?" he asked hesitantly, a trace of insecurity in his voice.
"So, first of all, what did you do yesterday?" Even asked.
"We tried to work on the project and then..well, we made out on my bed till my little sister interrupted us." David answered, bitterness in his voice.
Even couldn't help but chuckle.

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