Knew we would crash at the speed that we were going

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"Dear Isak,

The last few days have been really tiring. I just lay in bed all day and didn't have much to do, so, I've decided to write you a song.
I know it's probably really bad and cheesy, but I don't care. So, Isak, this is for you:

>>The most precious things in life come around when you at least expect them.
And bring the most beautiful, enchanted kind of moments. I know that everything in this world will come to an ending, but I hope that our love can make it through.

Like fireflies light up the darkest night, you came into my life and showed me what true love felt like. Flying around and spreading their light they touch the sky, like you touched my life.

All around me I can see the beauty of the world we live in. But it's hard to perceive, when you're not here with me. And every day without you feels like infinity, but I know that our love can make it through.

Like fireflies light up the darkest night, you came into my life and showed me what true love felt like. Flying around and spreading their light they touch the sky, like you touched my life.

Let me feel your hand inside of mine; let me see the way that your eyes shine. Like fireflies, fireflies, fireflies, like fireflies, fireflies, fireflies, lighting up my life.

Like fireflies light up the darkest night, you came into my life and showed me what true love felt like. Flying around and spreading their light they touch the sky, like you touched my life.

Kissing my lips and holding me close you make me feel, like this is something real.<<

I hope that you like it. It's the first song I've ever written. Just know that I've put all my heart into it.
I miss you. So much it hurts.


"Even?" the voice of his mother echoed through the flat. "Time to take your medication." With those words, the woman came in. Even remained motionless in his bed.
"Oh Honey, that's beautiful!" his mother spoke up again, her eyes on the doors of his closet. There was a dozen of little pieces of paper, sketches of a familiar blonde boy, pinned against them.
Even had drawn them two days ago, after he'd returned home from Isak's place. There was a sketch of Isak in an oversized jumper, curled up in his bed. There was one of Isak in an armour and one of Isak with two bright pink body paint stripes on his cheeks.
And there was one of Isak, holding a crying Even in his arms.

Even couldn't put into words how much he missed the boy. He missed his warmth, his scent, his lips, his eyes, his laugh, his body and soul. Simply everything.
"Do you want to tell me who that is?" his mother asked, her eyes still on the sketches.
"That is the man of my dreams." Even answered after a while.
Although his parents knew that he broke up with Sonja, he hadn't come out to them yet, but at the moment, Even just didn't care what they'd think.
To his surprise, his mother began to smile. "He looks like a handsome young man." she said, her eyes full of sincerity.
"He is. The most beautiful man inside and out you'll ever come across." Even responded, his mind drifting again to Isak's gorgeous smile. Those lips, that always drove him crazy.

"Can I please have my phone back?" Even asked, pleading. "I want to text Isak and tell him I'm okay."
After his stormy take-off on Saturday morning, the two hadn't talked. Even's parents had immediately noticed that he was manic again and had given him his medication.
They'd taken his phone, because whenever Even was manic, he used to send crazy, senseless text messages to almost everyone in his contact list.
Since Saturday, Even's condition had gotten better thanks to the medication and he could think more clearly again.
He hasn't been to school today though, because his behavior was still unpredictable, at least that's what the doctor said.
"Okay, but only for one hour." Even's mother said with a worried look on her face. "And first take your medication."
She reached out her hand so that Even could take the little pill out of it.

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