Chapter 1

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You pulled your hair tighter in a pony-tail. Pulling on your gloves you opened the moving truck up. You grinned slightly, it wasn't much, but it was yours. You lifted the first box up and talked towards the door. Opening in and entering a small mud room, walking the rest of the way in, you saw a small kitchen to your left and a living room to your right. You took a deep breath of the musty air and sighed, this was yours to. You were proud of yourself, you bought a house. 

You walked back outside and got another box. This was going to take awhile. After a couple hours of working you felt a light tap on your sweaty, probably sunburned, shoulder. You turned and looked at the owner of the hand. Your eyes widened slightly when you saw a woman standing there. She had a large smile on her face as she held a tray with a few cups and a pitcher of what you assumed to be lemonade. 

"Umm.... hi." You said popping your earbuds out. 

"Hello!" She grinned cheerily "I'm Beth Smith, I live across the street." She said gesturing with her head behind her

"Umm... (y/n) (l/n). I'm just moving in." You said still slightly confused "I should get back to work." You said looking at the still large pile of stuff in the truck 

"Oh, no! I can go get some of my family to help!" She said placing the tray down and she hustles over to her house.

You noticed a small crack on the drive you didn't have long to question it as a loud screaming erupted from the house causing you to wince. You tried to distract yourself with the houses around you, but the loud screaming was causing you to wince. You questioned why nobody else was bothered by the screaming, probably people are used to it by now. The screaming was silenced and Beth exited the house again followed by four people. 

"Ok sweetie, " she smiled kindly at you, "Here's your help!" 

"T-thanks?" You said scratched your neck "lets get to work!" You said clapping your hands together you turned then felt a hand on your shoulder

"No sweetie, you've been working all day by yourself, you need a rest," she gestured to the drinks on the ground 

You were skeptical to let strangers handle your things, but she was trying so hard. So you sighed in defeat and nodded. "I guess I could rest." You said walking over to the curb 

You sat down on the curb and couldn't shake the feeling you were being watched. You yawned slightly. You heard some snapping then Beth sat on the other side of the tray.

"So where you coming from?" Beth asked handing you a plastic cup of lemonade 

"Far from here," you said chucking the liquid it stung your tongue and throat "I used to live way out in the middle of nowhere, it was nice through." 

Beth hummed, "That's good, any family around here?" 

"N-no. My dad died recently, and I couldn't stay with my mom. There was just to many memories in that old house." You sighed pouring more lemonade into your cup 

You shivered, you felt like someone was watching you. You focused in on the liquid in the cup, you could just faintly see your reflection On the surface. Your body suddenly felt like it need to move. To do something. You sighed and didn't get up. You heard a loud groan and fixed your gaze over to your moving truck. They were at your dresser, a man in an ugly polo and another in a long sleeved blue shirt. 

"Jerry you incompetent ass!" Growled the older man running his fingers through his wild greying hair as the man in the polo set down his said of the dresser "you have to grab the under side of IT." He burped slightly at the end 

You cocked a brow at the duo. Beth giggled a little at your reaction, you looked at her. 

"Their always at each other's throats." She said taking a sip of her drink, "That's my husband jerry and old man Rick." 

You nodded slightly. Rick. The name felt familiar some how. You didn't understand it. Rick just finally noticed you staring and leaned on the dresser.

"Hiya toots." He was trying to get a reaction, you weren't gonna give one 

"Yeah, can you two get your heads out of your asses long enough to take that dresser upstairs to the last door down that hall?" You asked slightly annoyed 

He seemed surprised at this raising his unibrow and mouthing the word 'feisty' then nodded "You heard the woman, jerry, upstairs last door." 

"He's odd." You said turning back to Beth 

"Well," she brushed some hair from her face "He's a scientist, and he's been gone for 20 years so." 

You nodded some, "I can understand that." 

"Hey mom!" A young boy called 

"Yes Morty?" Beth asked 

"Can she come over for dinner tonight?" This morty asked.

 "Depends, would you like to come over tonight?" Beth asked turning to you 

"Sure why not." You looked at your watch, "I have no plans." 

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