Chapter 12

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Your eyes were wide as you stared at the creatures just outside. Then forrowed your brows slightly. 

"If their from space why are they here?" You whispered 

"Their fur is useful in many ways," he paused, "So I brought a pair to live here and trim their fur every now and again."

You hummed slightly. Just staring. The stag dipped his head multiple times and the doe gently nibbled on some grass by the road. The stag soon turned his glorious head away and started to walk towards the forest the doe falling close behind. 

"Wow." You said starting your truck back up.

Rick grinned cheekily, "Glad you like them." 

You held the armada of questions raising in your throat and started to drive. It was a quiet drive back home. The radio played empty toons to you, your mind still stuck on the amazing sight you saw. You pulled to a stop at your drive way and hopped out. You walked to your door. You felt Rick's presence beside you. You gazed at him and cocked a brow. He looked almost prideful. 

"You can go home," you hummed, "You do realize that right?" 

He hummed gently, "Just saying good night." 

You cocked a brow opening your door. You felt a warm presence on your cheek as you were about to enter your home. Your face instantly flushed and you gazed up at rick as he pulled away. A large grin plastered across his face.

"Good night.~" he said lowering himself to your height his hands held behind him

He turned away and started to walk away. His head held high and his shoulders back. You turned and walked in your house. You closed the door behind you. Your back hit the door as you started to slide down it. You groaned slightly to yourself. You pulled your knees to your chest. What is going on? It's something you couldn't figure out. 

(Timeskip-- next day lunch.) 

You giggled a little at Triss. 

"-They were just there blushing messes on my floor!" Her voice cracking with laughter, "Why they thought that would be a good idea, I don't know, but that's how I figured out they were gay!" 

You snickered trying not to spit out your drink. You leaned to the side in your chair slightly gasping for breath. Bradford and Jeff got into some hilarious happenings before they officially came out. You coughed facing Triss again.

"G-geez!" You laughed 

"That's what I thought to!" She snickered 

You suddenly shivered. You felt like you were being watched again. You didn't understand this, why did you always feel eyes on your when there were none? Were you going insane? Or just paranoid? You took a long sip from your drink pondering this.

"So how was dinner with rick?" Triss said picking at her food 

You were surprised by this, "Well..." you paused recalling the events last night with a chuckle, "I thought he looked like he was always annoyed through out, but warmed up a little." 

Triss cocked a pierced brow, "Is that so?" 

"Yeah...?" You cocked a brow yourself, "What are you getting at here?" 

She sighed and leaned back in her chair, "I really don't know myself," she laughed, "You know me, always trying to nitpick you 'cause your so secretive and quiet."

You chuckled, "Secretive?" 

"Well, I sure as hell know you got a tattoo, I just don't know where or what of." She pointed a finger at you, "And I will find out." 

You laughed, "How do you know I didn't get it removed?" 

"You and I both know your too damn poor to get a tattoo removal." She said pointedly, "You still have your piercings right." 

You rolled your eyes, "Yeah I do I just don't wear them all the time anymore." 

Triss jaw dropped, "But why!!" She cried her voice drawing out on the 'why' 

"It looks kinda unprofessional, don't cha think?" You said poniting a fork at you 

"But theirs so many memories behind them!!" She slammed her head in the table 

"I didn't say I never wear them." She tipped her head up and sprouts winked, "Just when my parents weren't around and I could reenact our band days." 

"Ooooohhhhhh!" Her eyes widened at this new revelation, "That's right your parents never knew much about those years did they?" 

You pressed a finger to your lips and winked. "What years?" 

She giggled, "Oh, never mind." 

You stared at your plate for a moment, "I'm suprised my liver never ruptured, from those mysterious years." 

Suddenly a thought came over her and she raised her brows, "Are you a virgin still right?" 

You were surprised by the question, "uh... that's on a need to know basis and you do not need to know." 

"Oh so your not a virgin?" 

You chuckled, "I never said that." 

"So you are a virgin?" She glared forward confused 

You laughed and winked, "Maybe you'll find out." 

"So you want to fuck me?" She leaned forward and rested her chin on her hands

You giggled, "Nah. I'm pretty straight." 

"Pretty straight?" Triss asked laughing

"Yeah, I'm tiled a little to the left, but I could care less about who I fuck." You said bringing your fork to your mouth 

"So your Demi?" She asked 

"I thought you already knew this basic info about me!" You laughed and acted offended, "I thought I was your best friend!" 

She cackled, "You are, you just like to stay quiet and sometimes I have to pry info about you out." 

You snickered, "So why are we friends again." 

"'Cause i was kind of carrying a model motor and you were walking down the hall with a schedule looking really confused." She chuckled, "I was confused myself, like why was there a kid who should be in elementary school here? Dressed in astrology coats?" You snickered, "So I was like, you ok sweetie. And you looked up me fearfully like oh no someone whose going to eat me. And you squeaked just trying to get to advanced astrology three. This really confused me, like why is this little kid trying to get to astrology. Then I dawned upon me. This was the prodigy student, just looking for class-" you cut her off 

"And then you said, hey I have that class follow me! And that's how we became friends." You chuckled, "I know this story, I was there." 

"I know I know, but it's my favorite story of use together." She laughed

"Really?" You paused dropping your fork to your plate, "Mines our first concert!" 

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