Chapter 15

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You cocked a brow at Rick's words, "Ok I'll admit the aliens are weird, but how are you like thirty right now?" 

Rick chuckled, "That's for me to know and you to figure out. Plus I thought it would be weird if a sixty year old was dancing with a young pretty lady such as yourself." He released you as he spoke gently grabbing your hand 

You cocked your head, "And who says I'm dancing with you?" 

He smirked slightly, "I do of course, and the guy I beat up." 

You rolled your eyes, "Maybe one or two dances wouldn't hurt." 

You laughed slightly as rick pumped his fist in the air in a quiet yes. He dragged you to the center of what you assumed used to be the living room. He held his palms out to you telling you to wait as he disappeared through the crowd. You rolled your eyes and shuffled side to side in beat with the music currently on. The music suddenly cut out then was replaced by something else. Causing your face to instantly flush. 

"Shake that ass bitch, let me see what you've got." (XD I can't find any other lyrics!!) 

When Rick returned grinning like an idiot you wanted to slap him. When you tried to escape he wrapped you in his arms. He lifted you off your feet, which wasn't hard. You struggled to get out of his grip.

"Hey you promised me at least one dance!" He tutted 

You blushed and stopped struggling and he set you back on your feet. Your hands quickly when you cover your flushed out face. He gently pulled your hands away a large goofy grin on his face, he has to be drunk off his ass. He turned and bent his knees low and started to roll his ass in a circular motion. You couldn't help but laugh at this situation. (Same.) Yes your face was probably redder than  a lobster, but hey this was pretty funny. You wheezed and gasped for air trying to calm yourself. Taking quivering exhales you manged to stifle some laughter. Rick laughed standing straight up.

"Lighten up a little, bunny, have some fun.~" he chuckled 

You laughed a little and started to dance with him. More gracefully and still standing. You made another graceful turn around him and ended at his front. You couldn't help but grin and laugh. You laughing caused him to laugh, this was nice. You gazed around to see the others in the crowd getting more dirty as they danced but you were fine for now. Starting another rotation around him you gently rubbed your back along his, pinning your bottom lip slightly between your teeth. You smiled your nervousness slowly melting away. Rick grabbed your hand gently spinning you and pulling you into a dipped potion.

You chuckled slightly, "I believe that this is the wrong song for this kind of move." 

"Is it?" He hummed raising his unibrow 

You giggled alittle letting him lift you into the standing position again as the last notes of the song played. You chuckled slightly and looked at him. 

"You're free to go." He hummed turning to leave 

You grabbed his hand, "I'll stay, just if you'll dance with me." 

He grinned down at you, "Of course, bunny." 

You both danced through an unimaginable number of songs. You didn't even care about the countless eyes watching your every movement. Rick seemed to really care. You would hear him occasionally growl at a stray partyer. You landed on your feet as you finished a flip, your hair arching back over your back. You smiled brightly staring at Rick. He sauntered over to you spinning you by your hand. He gently led you from the crowd. 

"Hey take a little bit of a break ok?" You nodded you were breaking into a sweat, "I-i have to do something in the garage if you need me." 

You stretched and followed him to the kitchen. You stopped in there. He walked into the garage, you managed to find a none cracked cup. You raised it out like seven times in the sink and spooned some of the drink that was set out in the cup. You knew this was probably a bad idea, but you could careless at the moment. As soon as the liquid fell down your gullet you felt a large adrenaline rush. You stepped back as the icy rush hit you like a bag of rocks. 

"W-woah." Was what you manged to say dropping your cup to the floor

Everything seemed to be in HD. Every sound clearer, every smell  more distinct, you could hear every heartbeat echo in your ears. You started to hyperventilate your heartbeat rising quickly. You could almost feel your pupils dialate. Just as fast as it came everything was a cooling calm. All of your senses were extended to their limits and you loved the feeling. Your mind was groggy, but one thought remained clear, dance on the roof. You found yourself grinning. It was odd, almost as if somehow you were detached yet attached to your body and actions all at the same time. You bolted into the crowd, and started to ask who could help you too the roof. 

(Rick pov) 

I sighed softly as I walked back into the kitchen. I adjusted my lab coat slightly.

"Ok, (y/n)?" I didn't finish my sentence as I saw she wasn't in the kitchen.

I cocked a side of my brow. There was a cup with spilled liquid on the floor, I looked fresh. No, she wouldn't. I have to find Morty or Summer. I rushed into the crowd finding Summer upstairs in line for the bathroom. 

"Summer!" She looked up from her phone, "Have you seen (y/n)!?" I could hear the worry in my own voice 

She shrugged, "Not really since the start of the party." 

I swallowed shakily. I bolted around, I saw people gathering outside, probably someone started fighting someone else. I was of the search for Morty. I finally found him right outside. His eyes were wide and scared, his jaw almost hitting the floor. 

"Morty!" I grabbed at my hair, "Where's (y/n)!?" 

He shakily lifted his hand his poniter finger extended towards the top of the garage. I whirled my head around following were he was poniting and my eyes widened. There she was there for sure, just preciously walking on her hands. She was drugged that for sure, if she wasn't she wouldn't have been so stupid. She barreled with laughter every time her hand slipped slightly. Then she was at the edge of the garage she swung her feet below her to stand up. She laughed loudly.

"What should I do next!?" She slurred loudly 

"Jump!" Cried an unidentifiable voice 

Soon the whole crowd was telling her to jump in a low agonizing chant. She cupped her hand over her ear. The crowd started to cheer louder. She grinned drunkenly. She walked to the back to get a running start. She managed to do one flip when her feet contacted the roof again her foot slipped.

"Whoop!" She yelled starting to fall from the roof.

I rushed forward just barely managing to catch her. I growled slightly as she laughed loudly.

"That's it party's over! Go home!!" Started yelling as (y/n) slurred the words to 'happy birthday mr. president'

I house was a mess and I had a headache as everyone finally cleared out. I sighed looking down at the drowsy (y/n) in my arms. She was drugged hard that's for sure. Her head lolled backwards and she laughed quietly. I looked back up to Summer and Morty. 

"I'm gonna put the world on pause and put (y/n) to sleep, she's gonna need a while to sleep of this drug endused hangover." I smiled softly as they both nodded 

"My beds open if you want to use it, Grandpa Rick." Summer offered 

"That's a kind offer, but no." I said, "I need to be able to watch her too."

They nodded Morty returned with my time pausing device. I quickly paused time and sent them to go to sleep. (Y/n) was chuckling about something as I carried her up the stairs. I took her coat off and hung it on my bedframe and managed to take off a pretty ear piece. I pulled off her boots and set them by her bed. I laid her gently in my bed and pulled the covers over her, she instantly snuggled into them. I was about to leave when someone grabbed my coat. (Y/n) was gently pulling me back.

"P-p-please stay." She mumbled 

I patted her hand, "I'll be right back." She nodded and yawned

I ran out to the garage and switched into my normal age, it was kind of weird being thirty again. I shrugged it off and walked my now old again body upstairs. (Y/n) was still curled up in the blankets when I slipped in bed  behind her. I pulled the covers over myself slightly. I wrapped my arms around her pulling her closer. She turned and nuzzled into my chest. I heard her breath slow as she fell asleep. I smiled before losing continuousness.   

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